科技名门,family of science and technology
1)family of science and technology科技名门
2)sci-tech terms科技名词

1.The Term of "Ro-Ro Passenger Ship" is Incorrect--Discussion from Principles of Terminology;“客滚船”不妥——从科技名词的定名原则谈起
2.Some Problems and Thoughts on the Standard of Science and Technology Terms;关于科技名词术语规范化的问题与思考
3.The Discussion on the Translation of Japanese-Interpreted Words of Science and Technology in Modern China;中国近代关于如何对待日译科技名词的讨论
4.A Tentative Study of the Repetition of Nouns (or Noun Phrases)in the Sci-tech English Text试析科技英语篇章中名词(或名词短语)的重复
5.A Corpus-based Study on Nominalization in English of Science and Technology;基于语料库对科技英语名词化的研究
6.A Brief Analysis on the Nominalization Structure in the Simple Sentences of EST;浅析科技英语简单句中的名词化结构
7.Stylistic Functions of Norminalization in English Scientific Papers;名词化在英语科技论文中的文体功能
8.An Economical Form of Writing in Sci tech German--“Noun Form”;论科技德语的一种经济性文体——名词体
9.A Contrastive Study of English Nominalization in Abstracts of Science and Technology Research Papers;对科技论文摘要中英语动词名词化的对比研究
10.Pragmatic Translation of Nominalization of EST Works;科技英语作品中动词名词化的语用翻译
11.The Translation of Deverbal Nominalization Structure;科技英语中的动词名词化结构及其翻译
12.The Problem of Unification of Translated Terms of Sci-tech New Words --A Discussion on Internet Terms;科技新词汇译名的统一性——漫谈因特网词汇
13."Double Status" of Terms in the History of Science and Technology:A Case Study in the History of Astronomy as An Example“双重身份”的科学技术史名词分析——以天文学史名词为例
14.A Functional Analysis on the Nominalization Structure of EST科技英语中的名词化结构及其功能分析
15.Touch on Discontinuous Modification Structure Between Noun and Its Post-modfier in Scientific English浅析科技英语中名词与其后置定语隔位的结构
16.On the Phenomenon of Nominalization in EST and Its Translation科技英语中的名词化现象及其翻译过程探析
17.Formal Shifts of Nominalization in English-Chinese Technical Translation;科技语篇中名词化结构的英汉形式转换
18.The Textual Functions of English Nominalization and the Chinese Rendering of EST;英语名词化的语篇功能及英语科技语篇的汉译

sci-tech terms科技名词
3)translated terms in sciences科技译名
1.In modern China many people discussed on the keys of practical work of standardizing the translated terms in sciences.在近代中国,很多人就科技译名统一实践工作要点问题进行了讨论。
4)The Exhibition Hall for Scientists and Elites in Yixing宜兴科技名人馆
5)Chinese term in navigation航海科技名词
1.In modern China,people accepted the Japanese-interpreted words of science and technology in a whole.近代国人对于日译科技名词,总体上是持接受的态度。

科技科学技术:高~ㄧ~资料 ㄧ~工作者。