最佳说明,best explanation
1)best explanation最佳说明
1.Secondly,from the view of "the best explanation",the scientific theory\'s simplicity does not involve intelligent cause.科学理论具有预测功能,科学预测和对智能的预言是两回事,而进化论的表现同一般科学理论完全一致;科学理论追求某种简单性,从最佳说明的标准来衡量,科学理论追求的简单性不可能包括智能的原因;智能设计论强调复杂就意味着设计,而从生物学角度分析"醉汉走路"表明,在复杂性的最低点,进化只能变得更复杂,但离开最低点,复杂性的趋势随时可以停止。
2)optimal illumination最佳照明
3)optimum thick of gelatin明胶的最佳厚度
4)novels of the beauty-and-talented-scholars明清才子佳人小说
1.After Flowering Plum in a Golden Vase,there appeared the novels of the beauty-and-talented-scholars during the late Ming and the early Qing period.20世纪80年代以来,在明清才子佳人小说的研究中,学术界或盛赞其自主的婚恋观念,或肯定其对女性才情的重视。

1.A Study of "Matchmaker" Image of Scholar Beauty Novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties明清才子佳人小说中的“媒妁”形象研究
2.A Psychological and Cultural Interpretation of the Talented Young Scholars Image of "Caizi-Jiaren Novel" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清才子佳人小说中才子形象的时代特质与文化意蕴
3.The World of His Other in the Perspective of Feminism--A Social-Gender Interpretation of the Novels of the Beauty-and-talented-scholars of the Late Ming and the Early Qing Period;女性主义观照下的他者世界——对明清才子佳人小说的一种解读
4.Knowledge, Empower and Freedom: Discussion on Female Intellectuals in Scholar-Beauty Romances;知识、赋权与自由——论明清才子佳人小说中的知识女性
5.Romantic Novels of the Late Ming and Early Qing Literati Values明末清初才子佳人小说的文人价值观
6.Maidservant Characters in Talented Scholars and Lovely Ladies Romances at the End of Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of Qing Dynasty;明末清初才子佳人小说中的婢女形象
7.View on the Reasons of the Prosperity of the Romances about Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Girls;论明末清初才子佳人小说兴盛的原因
8.The Romantic Novels about Talented Scholars and Beautiful Ladies in Ming and Qing Dynasty and the Female Education in the South of Yangtze River明末清初才子佳人小说与江南女子教育
9.A Study on the Type of Figure in Late Ming and Early Qing Novels of Gifted Scholars and Beautiful Ladies明末清初才子佳人小说中的类型化人物研究
10.Preliminary analysis of maidservant characters in talented scholars and lovely ladies romances in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty;浅析明末清初才子佳人小说中的婢女形象
11.Aesthetics Features and Origin of Novels About Talented Scholars and Lovely Ladies in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty;明末清初才子佳人小说美学特征及成因
12.Discussion of Genius and Beauty Novelists’ View of Official Rank in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty试论明末清初才子佳人小说作家的功名观
13.Magic Analysis for Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in The Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty明末清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局魔力解析
14.An Exploration of People Who Can Accept Caizi-Jiaren Novels;才子佳人小说受众群探析——明末清初才子佳人小说研究系列论文之三
15.Discussion Yuan Bright Drama to End of the Ming Dynasty Clear at the Beginning of Talented Men and Beautiful Women Novel Literary Style Seepage;试论元明戏曲对明末清初才子佳人小说文体的渗透
16.On the aesthetic style and features of beauty image;论清初才子佳人小说中佳人形象的美学转型
17.Literary Trend and Popular-Romance Novels in South China in Early Qing Dynasty;清初江南文坛风尚与才子佳人小说的创作
18.On the Cultural Implications of the Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in the Early Qing Dynasty;论清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局的文化意蕴

optimal illumination最佳照明
3)optimum thick of gelatin明胶的最佳厚度
4)novels of the beauty-and-talented-scholars明清才子佳人小说
1.After Flowering Plum in a Golden Vase,there appeared the novels of the beauty-and-talented-scholars during the late Ming and the early Qing period.20世纪80年代以来,在明清才子佳人小说的研究中,学术界或盛赞其自主的婚恋观念,或肯定其对女性才情的重视。
5)best mode for carrying out an invention[专]实施发明的最佳方式
1.The paper studies a method for establishing the knowledge base of the rotating parts of numerical control machines,presents a prediction method for digging data by using a user-oriented optimum knowledge quantity property reduction algorithm.通过对数控机床旋转部件故障知识库建立方法的研究,提出了应用面向用户的知识量最佳属性约简算法的数据挖掘预测方法,进行数控机床故障的预测,并通过实例证明了实践过程的可行性。
2.1 CC,the formula is set up between the continuous casting heats of tundish and the uses of metal band,which give out the optimal continuous casting heats of tundish and optimum number of inserting metal band in different conditions of steel species.针对尽量提高中间包的连浇炉数,同时降低插铁板的数量,减少连铸生产成本的问题,结合宝钢一连铸实际生产的钢种情况和不同钢种对中间包的使用要求,从生产组织角度上建立了中间包连浇炉数和插铁板次数之间的理论计算关系,得出了在不同生产钢种条件下可以达到的最佳中间包连浇炉数和最佳的插铁板次数,并就插铁板对连浇炉数的影响进行了分析,同时将理论计算和实际结果进行了对比验证,就实际生产组织存在的差距进行了分析。

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