反辉格史,"anti-Whig" view
1)"anti-Whig" view反辉格史
1.Kuhn and Wu Wenjun:A comparative study on the "anti-Whig" view of history库恩与吴文俊:反辉格史观的比较研究

1.Kuhn and Wu Wenjun:A comparative study on the "anti-Whig" view of history库恩与吴文俊:反辉格史观的比较研究
2.On Two Whig Interpretations of Relationships Between Science and Christianity;略论科学与基督教关系研究中的两种辉格史观
3.On the Relation between the Historic View of Whig's and the Replication of Chinese Ancient Textile历史的辉格解释与中国古代纺织品文物复制
4.A Brilliant Example of Adhering to Historical Materialism;坚持历史唯物主义的光辉范例——读恩格斯《“论俄国的社会问题”跋》
5.Loosely speaking, the Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious to freedom for Nonconformists.辉格党是指那些反对绝对王权的,支持宗教自由的异教徒。
6.reststrahlen band强反射率带, 余辉带
7.Historical Reflections on Marx and Engels Realism Theory;关于马克思恩格斯现实主义理论的历史反思
8.Historic Context,Gender Politics and Text Study:Rethinking Contemporary Writing Pattern of "History of Female Literature";历史语境、性别政治与文本研究——对当代“女性文学史”写作格局的反思
9.The Light of Historical Reason in Retrospection and Critique: A Review of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. s Historiographical Thoughts;在反思与批判中彰显史学理性之光——小阿瑟·施莱辛格史学观述评
10.Thrice happy is the nation that has a glorious history.最快活的乃是有光辉灿烂历史的民族。
11.The epic ends with a vision of the glory of God.末了,史诗以上帝辉煌的圣像收尾。
12.That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature.那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
13.That period is a bright page in the history of Chinese literature那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页
14.Resplendence and declination:historical ups and downs about the JinGuQiGuan;辉煌与式微:《今古奇观》的历史沉浮
15.An analysis of a special character in The Scholars;《儒林外史》中王玉辉形象的生成和接受
16.Chinese Communists should study seriously the CPC's Glorious History共产党员应该认真学习党的光辉历史
17.A Review of The Character in British Fiction:A Critical History破土之作,其辉熠熠——评《英国小说人物史》
18.On the whole, the Party's history is glorious.总的来说,我们党的历史还是光辉的历史。

Whig history辉格史
3)Whig historiography辉格史学
4)anti-Whig interpretation of history反辉格
1.Since the fifties of the twentieth century,Frances Yates,a notable historian in the West,made the study of Bruno which has been regarded as a classical work typical of anti-Whig interpretation of history.自20世纪50年代以来,西方科学史界耶兹的布鲁诺研究作为反辉格式研究传统的典型代表,成为诠释布鲁诺形象的一个经典。
5)the Whig historiography"辉格派"史学
1.As the leading history school of the English historical field in the nineteenth century, the Whig historiography, with its unique political ideas in history, has been attracting the attention of the world from the first day.作为19世纪英国史学领域主导学派的“辉格派”史学,从登上英国史坛的第一天起,就以其独特的政治历史观点吸引了人们的注意力。
6)anti-whig interpretation反辉格解释
