知识论哲学,knowledge philosophy
1)knowledge philosophy知识论哲学
1.The theory of "implements of labor" which prevails academically home and abroad is actually an misunderstanding of the knowledge philosophy in view of the essence of Marx\'s idea about technology,thus covering the real connotation of Marx\'s view.马克思的技术本质观既突出了技术的人文内涵,从而克服了知识论哲学技术本质观工具主义、客观主义的理论局限,又揭示出技术所蕴涵的现实社会关系,从而达到了对西方文化哲学技术本质观的理论超越。

1.Discussing the Modern Knowledge Philosophy Based on the Western Philosophy Inherent Logic;从西方哲学的内在逻辑看近代知识论哲学
2.Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy: An Enquiry into Xiong Shili s Philosophical View;知识论与哲学——评熊十力对西方哲学中知识论的误解
3.Theory of Two - point and Key - point in the Course of PhilosophyBasic Knowledge;《哲学基础知识》课中的两点论和重点论
4.The Philosophical Viewpoint on Breaking up the Theory of Knowledge into Two Parts --Analysis of the Characteristics of Scientific Philosophical and Cognitive Theory;知识论分割为二的哲学观点——科学哲学认识论特点
5.Philosophy Ideology of Knowledge Management and Its Methodology;知识管理的哲学思想及其方法论研究
6.On the Value of “Theory of Knowledge Interpretation” in Chinese and Western Philosophical History;论“知识解释说”在中西哲学史上之价值
7.On Philosophical Hermeneutics Transcending the Traditional Theory about Requirement of Knowledge;简论哲学解释学对传统知识条件理论的超越
8.Language, Reality and the Sociality of Scientific Knowledge--On Philosophical Gist in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;语言、实在与科学知识的社会性——论科学知识社会学的哲学旨趣
9.Knowledge Power and Science Method;知识权力与科学方法——兼论培根的科学哲学思想
10.Studies on Intellectual Property Protection Based on Philosophy and Methodology;论知识产权保护的哲学依据及其方法论措施
11.The Integration of Theory of Knowledge and Theory of Life --The Significance Pattern of Ancient Greek Philosophy;知识论与人生论的统一——古希腊哲学的意义模式
12.The Critique of the Epistemological Outlook on Truth by Post-modern Philosophy and its Significance;超越知识论的真理观——后现代哲学对知识论真理观的批判及其意义
13.On the Study of Consciousness in Cognitive Neuroscience;论意识的认知神经科学研究及哲学思考
14.Foucault on pedigree of philosophy over historical view;福柯:解构传统历史观与知识论的哲学谱系学
15.A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology;认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较
16.Legal Interpretation,Hayek's Knowledge Theory and Hermeneutic Philosophy法律解释、哈耶克的知识论与哲学解释学
17.The Relationship between Epistemology and Scientific Philosophy and It's Modern Development知识论与科学哲学的关系及其当代发展
18.Reflection on the Intellectual Property Right from the Perspective of Philosophy of Law: The Reconstruction of Intellectual Property System;知识产权法哲学理论反思——以重构知识产权制度为视角

philosophic episteme哲学知识论
3)epistemological philosophy of universities知识论大学哲学
4)philosophy of knowledge知识哲学
1.The philosophy of knowledge believes that the value of knowledge lies not in the impartment of what has been established or proved,but in the creation of new starting points.知识哲学认为知识的价值不在于给人现成的东西,而在于给人不断创造的“起点”。
2.The probe into the knowledge essence is still one of the debating foci in the field of philosophy, especially in the philosophy of knowledge.关于知识本质的探索,一直是哲学界尤其是知识哲学所争论的焦点之一。
5)philosophical knowledge哲学知识
1.In order to understand idealism in a philosophical perspective such relationships between philosophical knowledge and common sense, philosophy and politics, conscious activities and its products should be dealt with in a proper way.为了从哲学的视阈正确认识和理解唯心主义,应当处理好哲学知识与常识的关系,哲学与政治的关系,意识活动与它的产物之间的关系,以客观和科学的态度对待它,从而避免对唯心主义的简单否定。
6)philosophy epistemology哲学认识论
1.It is the subjective tendency in the field of philosophy epistemology that brings about great change of contemporary knowledge in standard,source and production way.哲学认识论领域"主观化"倾向的日益明显使当代知识标准、来源、生产方式等发生了重大转换。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀