近代中华科学文化,modern Chinese scientific culture
1)modern Chinese scientific culture近代中华科学文化
1.Research on the restriction factors to the modern Chinese scientific culture近代中华科学文化衰退的制约因素探析

1.Research on the restriction factors to the modern Chinese scientific culture近代中华科学文化衰退的制约因素探析
2.The Chinese Scholarship Society and the Development of Science and Culture of Modern China中华学艺社与近代中国科学文化的发展
3.Understanding & Sublimation:Modern Study on Laozi;略论近代老学的中西文化会通与升华
4.On the Contributions of Zhonghua Book Company to the Modernization of Chinese Textbooks论中华书局对语文教科书近代化之贡献
5.The Study of Systematc Development Process of Chinese Modern Scientific and Technological Culture;试论中国近代科学文化的体系化进程
6.The Chinese Learning of the Modern Missionaries in China--Taking the Chinese Department of Jinling University as the Study Case;近代来华传教士的中文学习——以金陵大学华言科为中心
7.On the Causes of the Contemporary Decline of China s Traditional Sciences;中国传统科学文化近代衰落原因刍议
8.Contemporary Chinese American in Cultural Interaction between China and America;近代旅美华人华侨与中美文化的互动
9.See the Contemporary Trend of the Chinese Culture from the Modern and Contemporary Courses;从近现代历程看中华文化的当代走势
10.On Western Learning Spreading for the East and the Establishment of Modern Scientific Culture in China;西学东渐及近代科学文化在中国的发轫
11.Research on the Promotion Factors to the Ancient Chinese Scientific Culture;中华古代科学文化兴盛的动力因素探析
12.The New Variation of Chinese Contemporary Literature and the Spirits of Chinese Nation;中国近代文学与中华民族精神的近代新变
13.On the Relationship between the Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Science;中国传统文化与近现代科学之关系研究
14.On the Controversy about and Cutural lmplications of the Relations Between Zhouyi and the Development of Science in Modern China;易经与近代中国科学关系的论争及其文化意义
15.Modern Chinese Interpretations of Western Science and Culture;近代中国人对西方科学文化的几种解读
16.Influence of the Middle Ages Christian Culture on the Formation of Modern Scientific Thoughts;中世纪基督教文化对近代科学思想形成的作用
17.Research for Culture of Returned and Development of Science and Technology in Recent China中国近代留学生与科技发展的文化研究
18.The Study On the Absence of Scientific Spirit in the Modernization Movement from Culture Viewpoint;近代以来中国现代化运动中科学精神缺失的文化视角探析

ancient Chinese scientific culture中华古代科学文化
1.This paper analyses the promotion factors to the ancient Chinese scientific culture from the perspectives of objective requirements of economic development,the political and personnel system of ancient China,the universal function of scientific knowledge from education organization,and characteristics of the.本文试从经济发展的客观要求、中国古代政治制度及用人制度的推动作用、教育机构对科学知识的普及作用以及中国传统文化的特点几个角度分析促进中华古代科学文化发展的因素。
3)the modern scientific culture近代科学文化
4)Ancient China中华古代科学
1.On the Practicability and Inventive Step of Sciences in Ancient China略论中华古代科学的先进性
5)Chinese history of modern science中国近代科学史
1.After a further examination and study of the demarcation of Chinese history of modern science and technology,the present paper expounds the theoretical principles,historical basis and rationality for the argument of Matteo Ricci s coming to China in 1582 as the starting point of Chinese histo.本文通过对中国近代科学技术史分期问题的进一步考察和研究,论述了把1582年利马窦来华作为中国近代科学史起点的理论原则、历史依据和历史合理性。
6)science in modern China近代中国科学
