译名规范化,standardization of translation
1)standardization of translation译名规范化

1.Emperor Qianlong’s Attention towards Standardization of Transliterated Names from Minorities乾隆帝对少数民族语译名规范化的关注
2.On the Unity and Systematization of Place Names in the Chinese Translations of Tibetan Documents;藏文文献汉译中有关地名的统一和规范化问题
3.Standardization of Placenames Translation in Public Signs and Markings of URT;城市轨道交通公示语中地名翻译的规范化探讨
4.Power,Culture and Translation--On the Problems of Standardizing Chinese Name Under "Power Relation"权利·文化·翻译——谈“权利关系”下的中国姓名英译规范问题
5.On Normalization of Kazakh Names Transcribed by Chinese Character--The Standard of Corresponding Table between the Syllables of Kazakh Language and Chinese Characters;哈萨克人名一名多译现象及规范化——兼评《哈萨克人名汉字音译对应表》
6."Single-Romanization" in a Multilingual World--Standardization in Romanizing Street Names in China;多语世界的单一罗马化——我国街道名称“译写”规范的法理依据
7.The Principle and Significance of Unified Standardization of Han-translated General Names --A case study of Zhuang-Dai group;汉译“通名”统一规范化的原则及意义——以壮傣语支语言为例
8.Translation of People's Names in China:Problems,Approaches and Prospects谈人名翻译的统一与规范化问题——从查理曼,还是查理曼大帝说起
9.Court Interpreting in China: The Perspective of Standardization;中国的法庭口译:规范化角度的探讨
10.Normalization of Translating Modes--the Key to the Standardization of Technical Terms;规范翻译方法——科技术语标准化之关键
11.On Standardizing English Version of Public Language;规范社会用语译文,提高整体文化素质
12.On the Standardization of Sign Translations in Luoyang Tourist Scenic Spots洛阳旅游景区公示语翻译规范化研究
13.The software is helpful to normalize the translated personal names of Kazak,and is of high applied value.这套软件有助于哈萨克族人名汉字译写规范化 ,具有极高的应用价值
14.On Gu Hongming s Translation of Confucian Classics: From the Perspectives of the Translator s Subjectivity and Norms of Target Cultural System;译者主体性和译语文化规范观照下的辜鸿铭之儒家经典英译
15.Approaching to the Normalization and Translation of Xinjiang Regional Cultural Tour;新疆地域文化旅游翻译现状及规范化研究
16.Discussion of Significance of Standardization of Names of Universities and Colleges in China;浅论我国高等院校定名规范化的意义
17.Standardization of C/E Translation of Wuhsu Terms and International Communication of Wushu;武术术语英译的规范化与武术的国际交流
18.Burton Watson s acquisition and internalization of the linguistic norms in translating Chinese historical classics;Burton Watson对历史典籍英译语言规范的习得与内化

standardization of translated science and technology terms译名的规范化
3)canonical interpretation规范化译写
4)Norms of C-E Translation翻译规范化
5)standardization of translations译文规范化
6)unification of terms名词规范化
