为国服务,serving the country
1)serving the country为国服务
1.During the process of the implementation of guidelines of "serving the country",the dialectics of nature academia must show it characteristics.我国自然辩证法界落实"为国服务"宗旨,必须有个性,凸显自己的特色。
2)Soldiers serve their country.军人为国家服务。
3)Volunteers In Service To America.为美国服务自愿队
4)He dedicated his life to the service of his country.他献身于为国服务
5)service for the army为兵服务
1.To evaluate the contributions of the military hospitals service for the army objectively, three years data of some hospital s service for the army are compared ,the factors of contributions are analyzed and 11 quantitative indexes are discussed and summarized.为客观评价医院为部队服务做出的贡献,我们对某院3年为兵服务的数据指标进行了比较,分析了军队医院为兵服务贡献因素,分析了军队医院为兵服务的11项量化指标;数据说明该院在为兵服务的数、质量和经济补贴方面明显提高。

1.Serving for the Army Men is the Essential Factor for Better Development of Military Medical Colleges;为兵服务是军医大学生存和发展的根本
2.Setup Regional Centers of Medicine (RCM) to Explore New Service Pattern for the Soldiers建立区域性接诊中心 创新为兵服务模式
3.an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer.被分配指派为英国军事官员服务的勤务兵。
4.Terms of Service: Denmark employs a conscription system with terms lasting from four to12 months. Members of certain ranks are required to serve terms up to24 months.兵役制度:丹麦实行义务兵役制,服役期为12个月,某些特殊兵种需服役24个月。
5.He says Russia's veterans provide a rich example of service.他说俄罗斯的退伍老兵们是为国服务的典范。
6.liable for military service.See Synonyms at bresponsible有服兵役的义务参见
7.He rides in Life Guards.他在近卫骑兵队服务。
8.I donned a Red Cross uniform to work with war amputees at Walter Keed Hospital.我披上红十字会制服,在华特里德医院里为断臂残肢的伤兵服务。
9.The Problems Existing in Scientific and Technological Service of Corps University and the Exploration of Service Approaches for Community;兵团高校科技服务存在的问题及服务途径探索
10.They may be liable for military service.他们可能还有服兵役的义务。
11.men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service.18到35岁的人有服兵役的义务。
12.Officially sanctioned postponement of compulsory military service.官方批准对义务服兵役的延期.
13.Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) of U.S. DOL美国劳工部老兵工作与训练服务处
14.Study on the Development of Science-technology Mediaservice System in Xinjiang Bingtuan;新疆兵团科技中介服务体系发展研究
15.The Service-oriented Government:for Whom,What and How;服务型政府:为谁服务,服务什么,怎样服务
16.The defense effort would have practically collapsed if men had been allowed to go home at the end of their one-year term.假如在士兵们一年服役期届满时获准回家,那么防务努力实际上将成为泡影。
17."Appalled by the sight of so much suffering, Dunant organized a volunteer service to help in feeding and caring for the wounded soldiers. "目睹如此惨状,杜兰特大为震惊,便组织了一支志愿服务队帮助照料伤兵。
18.An Investigation to Shihezi University Graduate Students from Inland Employed in Xinjiang;以兵团精神育人 为屯垦戍边服务——石河子大学内地生源毕业生留疆工作分析

Soldiers serve their country.军人为国家服务。
3)Volunteers In Service To America.为美国服务自愿队
4)He dedicated his life to the service of his country.他献身于为国服务
5)service for the army为兵服务
1.To evaluate the contributions of the military hospitals service for the army objectively, three years data of some hospital s service for the army are compared ,the factors of contributions are analyzed and 11 quantitative indexes are discussed and summarized.为客观评价医院为部队服务做出的贡献,我们对某院3年为兵服务的数据指标进行了比较,分析了军队医院为兵服务贡献因素,分析了军队医院为兵服务的11项量化指标;数据说明该院在为兵服务的数、质量和经济补贴方面明显提高。
6)serving for soldiers为兵服务
1.To meet the task of medical support for the spaceflight emission and mobile weapon trials,the hospital insisted serving for soldiers,reformed support mode to put across the support of "Shenzhou airship".医院立足自我,自力更生,坚持为兵服务,狠抓卫勤建设,创新卫勤模式,圆满完成了"神舟一号"到"神舟六号"的卫勤保障任务,走出了一条新型的有特色的卫勤保障路子。
2.To improve nursing quality of the work serving for soldiers,the author summarized the problems of nurs- ing in this work,analyzed the causes and proposed the countermeasures.对为兵服务工作检查中护理方面存在的问题进行总结,并对问题的原因予以分析,有针对性的提出解决问题的策略,以期提高为兵服务护理质量,保证为兵服务思想落在护理工作实处。
