制度幻象,system illusion
1)system illusion制度幻象

1.The System Illusion of Technical Determinism and Its Essential Reduction“科技决定论”的制度幻象及其本质还原
2.Fiction characterized by highly fanciful or supernatural elements.科幻小说以高度想象或超自然为基础的小说
3.Illusion of Modernity--Critique of Rationalism in View of Hearing;现代性幻象——基于听觉维度的理性主义批判
4.Disillusionment of "To Each According to His Needs":On the Distribution System in the Big Commune;“按需分配”的幻灭:大公社的分配制度
5.On the Fantastic Images Subverting the Culturally Constructed Patriarchal Gender Roles;论魔幻意象颠覆文化建构的父权制性别角色
6.involving or relating to three dimensions or aspects; giving the illusion of depth.涉及三个维度、范围或者与三个维度、范围相关;产生了幻象或者深度。
7.lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth.缺乏期望的范围或者深度;不是意在产生幻象或者深度的。
8.The System Economics Analysis of Failure of the Modern Capitalism in the End of Qing Dynasty;晚清现代资本主义幻灭的制度经济学分析
9.A returning or haunting memory or image.幻影,幻象常出现或萦绕脑际的记忆或幻影
10.A realm of imagination or fantasy.仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国
11.Phantasm,illusion and the poetic speech;幻象·幻想·诗意言说——海子抒情短诗解读
12.I was building up in me a dream which the entire educational system of the South had been rigged to strifle.我逐渐产生了一种幻想,一种为南方的整个教育的制度所极力遏制的幻想。
13.an insubstantial vision, figure, creature虚幻的景象、 人物、 生物.
14.This, then, was in the nature of a vision.那正好象是一种幻境,
15."Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision"科幻小说:历史、科学、想象
16.unearthly visions, screams怪异的幻象、 尖叫声
17.Abandon the fantasy and pick up on the signs.要摒弃幻想,留心迹象。
18.The Manchurian Candidate and Brainwashing:from Cold War Paranoia to Anti-terrorist Paranoia;《满洲候选人》与洗脑——从冷战幻象到反恐幻象(英文)

1.However, all of these equality and growth are illusions covered by dazzling consumption of signs.鲍德里亚在《消费社会》中为我们描述了一个表面物质财富丰盛的、人人平等的、以神话自视的消费社会,但在消费眩目的光环下却掩盖着平等、增长和符号消费的幻象,这些幻象是如此的巧妙和逼真,以至被认为是正在实现的乌托邦,消费社会中的人们全然没有意识到危险的逼近。
2.Driven by desires, protagonists in the two plays have both experienced psychological distortions which overflow with wild illusions and images.《麦克白》和《琼斯皇》都是表现人欲的狂想剧 ,两剧主人公都经历了在欲望驱使下的心理畸变 ,其中充溢着狂想的幻象 (illusions)和意象 (images)。
1.Slavoj Zizek,today s famous postmodernism philosopher,provided us with his theory of fantasy ideology.当代著名后现代哲学家齐泽克以其独特的写作和论述风格,为我们提供了他的幻象意识形态理论。
1.The misleading appearance of human mood, technology, "idea" and "operation" makes the peak a great flashy but untouchable phantom.一本本经典图像史总是被并非出自于图像志本身的某种动机所左右:人文情绪、技术性、以及“观念”和“操作”的蒙蔽使之成为耀眼而不可及的伟大幻象,让我们忘记了在艺术的本质上即是对自身及世间万物的感性认识这一艺术的基本立场上观照艺术。
6)The Object and the Imagination象与幻象

幻象【幻象】 (杂名)幻化之象也。性灵集八曰:“觉朝无多虎,悟日莫幻象。”