方诸,Fang Zhu
1)Fang Zhu方诸
1.Fang Zhu and Yang Sui are often mentioned correspondingly in ancient literatures.古人常把方诸与阳燧相提并论。

1.She has travelled in northern countries.她曾游历过北方诸国。
2.a wealthy man (who made his fortune in the Orient).富裕的人(在东方诸国发财的人)。
3.Zhuge for Victory and Failure --Reflection on Zhuge Liang s Administrative Strategy;成也诸葛,败也诸葛——诸葛亮领导方式的反思
4.The elements of the vector are the redundants which can be obtained by solving.列向量的诸元素为诸赘余力,可求解方程来得到。
5.The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loud call of duty.美人的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。
6.The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.美人儿的吴侬软语,较诸大声疾呼的义务之声,更可以传诸远方。
7.On the Prophet-like Character of the Great Philosophers in the Pre-Qin Times--A new interpretation of the culture of the "Great Philosophers;论先秦诸子的先知品格——关于诸子文化的一种新的解读方式
8.The people resorted to violence to get their demands.人们以诉诸暴力方式来得到需要。
9.A numerical ordering of the ends has been used throughout for convenience.为了方便,全部应用诸端点的数值次序。
10.One good way to learn is to put theory into practice.把理论付诸实践是一种学习的好方法。
11.The following equations are obtained after some reduction.作某些简化之后得到下列诸方程。
13.His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
14.A Contrastive Study on Sound Systems of Zhuji Dialect and Received Pronunciation;诸暨方言与RP语音体系的比较研究
15.On Relations between Duan Fang and Several Groups of Modern Chinese Society;端方与近代中国社会诸群体关系考论
16.The Novel Way of Seeking Comments from All Sides: Verifying Documents·Confucian Classics;《文献通考·经籍考》“诸评具载”的独特方式
17.On the Leader of North Painting World-Jin Cheng s Study Abroad at the Beginning of 20th Century;民初北方画坛领袖金城留洋诸问题考
18.The Practical Significance of the Confucian "Self-example Education";儒家“反求诸己”教育方法的现实意义

Zhu Naifang诸乃方
1.The Political Declaration of the Taigu School——On Zhu Naifang’s ci Poems to Zhenzhou’s Eight Scenic Spots;太谷学派的政治宣言书——评诸乃方《真州八景》词
3)Zhuji Dialect诸暨方言
1.A Contrastive Study on Sound Systems of Zhuji Dialect and Received Pronunciation;诸暨方言与RP语音体系的比较研究
4)To announce to the four directions诰诸四方
5)Prescription and discussion on diseases and syndromes大小诸证方论

方诸1.古代在月下承露取水的器具。 2.传说中仙人住所。