数学真理困境,compromised Platonism
1)compromised Platonism数学真理困境
1.By conjoining a compromised Platonism with a two-tiered epistemology naturalistic realist Penelope Maddy tries to reconcile the contradiction between the traditional Platonism and the empiricist epistemology,so as to get out of the dilemma.把数学对象看成是独立于人脑而存在的客观抽象物,同时要求为人们如何能够认识到这些对象提供直接的经验证据,这是贝纳塞拉夫数学真理困境对数学实在论提出的认识论难题。

1.The Naturalistic Realist Solution to the Dilemma of Mathematical Truth数学真理困境的自然主义实在论求解
2.The Ethics Conflicts in Chasing the Truth in the Journalism and the Solution;追求新闻真实性的伦理困境及其出路
3.The Difficult Position and the Countermeasure of Implementation of Bilingual Education for Advanced Mathematics高等数学实施双语教学的困境及对策
4.Morass and Solution on the Theoretics of Environmental Law Studying;环境法学基础理论研究的困境及出路
5.Post-Modernization,Significance and Troubles of Environmental Ethics;环境伦理学的后现代性、意义及困境
6.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析
7.I got bogged down in these complicated math problems.我因这些复杂数学问题而陷入困境。
8.The State of "Manifestation" and the Truth of "Number;“象”的境界与“数”的真理——老子“象论”与毕达哥拉斯学派的“数论”之比较
9.On the Methodology predicament of Quantitative Research in the Western Psychology;论西方心理学量化研究的方法学困境
10.Managing the Student's Status: Plight and Solution弹性学制下的学籍管理:困境与出路
11.The Predicament and Outlet of the Coincidence View of Truth under the Viewing Area of Epistemology;认识论视域下符合说真理观的困境及其出路
12.Analysis on the Dilemma of Teaching College Math for Students of Fine Arts and Its Countermeasures艺术专业大学数学教学困境分析及策略探讨
13.A Rudimental Exploration of Giving Psychological Guidance to Students Who Have Difficulties in Learning Mathematics对数学学习困难学生的心理辅导初探
14.Predicaments of the Application of the Fair Use System to Web-based Teaching“合理使用制度”适用于网络教学的困境
15.University Students Psychological Health Education: Achievement、Predicament、Outlet;大学生心理健康教育:成就、困境、出路
16.Legislation Plight of "Reasonable Return" And its Outlet in Private School;民办学校“合理回报”的立法困境与出路
17.Analysis on the Developing Predicament and Countermeasure of Economic Geography in China;中国经济地理学发展困境与对策刍议
18.The New Breakthrough about the Eco-criticism Theory Research;文学生态批评理论研究的困境与超越

mathematical truth数学真理
1.Ponder on the mathematical truth and natural law对数学真理与自然法则的思考
2.Especially from the beginning of 20~(th) century, the development of various new mathematical theories have been changing traditional notion of mathematical truth step by step.特别是20世纪以来诞生的各种数学新理论,正在逐步地改变着数学真理的传统观念。
3.The paper agrees that only logical proof can be criterion of modern mathematical truth,and also discusses that logical proof is an action of practice.本文同意逻辑证明是检验现代数学真理的唯一标准,同时也讨论了逻辑证明是一种实践活动的问题。
3)authenticity dilemma真实性困境
4)mathematics understanding difficulties数学理解困难
1.This thesis intends to study causes of understanding difficulties and teaching strategies to overcome the mathematics understanding difficulties.本文试图探讨高中生数学理解困难的形成根源及其克服的教学对策,旨在为促进学生数学理解的学习提供一定指导,为推动促进学生理解的数学教学和课程改革提供依据和建议。
5)managerial dilemma管理困境
1.Market failure and government failure is a managerial dilemma of water resource, how to solve it will be made in the article, including the magnesium, culture, leadership and so on.本文主要探讨当前我国水资源管理面临的市场失灵和政府失灵的管理困境,并提出解决这一困境需要从制度、文化、领导力等角度系统重构水资源管理机制,这样才能从根本上实现水资源合理利用和保护的目标。
6)ethic dilemma伦理困境
1.Virtual specialities showed by symbolic and digital network screen people s real condition, make interpersonal communication falling into ethic dilemma.网络数字化、符号化、虚拟化特质遮蔽了人们的真实面目,使人际交往陷入伦理困境。
