太极推理,Tai Chi deduction
1)Tai Chi deduction太极推理
2)taiji pushhands太极推手
1.This article discusses the training method of taiji pushhands.根据太极推手的运动特点,结合自己多年的训练经验和具体实践,从理论的高度阐述了太极推手的训练方法,强调太极推手训练要以拳架为基础,练劲是关键,从实战出发,求真求实,以致用为目
2.In this paper,the fundamental the strength study principle among taiji pushhands is described.阐述了太极推手的劲力学原理,并研究了力学三大要素对太极推手功法的影响,结合实践,较详细的论述了其具体在太极推手中的灵活运用。

1.The Dilemma Faced by Push-hand Tactics and Corresponding Counter Strategies;竞技太极推手面临的困境与发展对策
2.An Analysis of the Importance of "Zhongzheng" in Taichi Push Hands;“中正”在太极推手技击中的作用探析
3.On the Feasibility of Developing the Pushing Hands of Taijiquan in Universities;高校开展太极推手运动的可行性研究
4.Study on Reform of Competition Regulation of Wushu Taiji Tuishou;《武术太极推手竞赛规则》改革的研究
5.The primal chaos hand slap walks into the university physical education the feasibility study;太极推手走进高校体育课的可行性研究
6.On the Problems in the Development of Taiji Pushing-hand;对太极推手运动发展中若干问题的反思
7.A Feasibility Study on the Integration of Tai-ji Quan and Pushing Hand in Tai-ji Quan--Discussing Chen Style Tai-ji Quan’s training methods;太极拳与太极推手有机结合的可行性研究——兼谈陈式太极拳的训练方法
8.Study Of Cardiorascular Function Of Yangshi Tuishou and Shadowboxing Sport To Middle-aged Women;杨式太极推手与套路锻炼对中老年女性心血管功能的影响
9.On Coaches of 2008 Taiji Push- hand Competition in Handan对“2008年邯郸太极拳大会”推手教练员的调查分析
10.Mrs Green bought things, and Ben pushed the cart for her.格林太太买了东西,本为她推手推车。
11.The Teaching of Taijiquan should Combine “Learning” with “Practice”;太极拳教学、推广中应“体”、“用”兼备
12.There will be some well-known TaiJiQuan Masters' model performance, which will display the elegance of TaiJiQuan and promote it's development.本次大会将有太极拳界名家高手示范表演,展太极之风彩、太极之交流。
13.On the Development of Taiji in the Seniors in the Community of Anyang;试论太极拳在安阳市社区老年群体中的推广
14.Popularization of Simplified Taijiquan at College;简化太极拳在高校进行普及推广的探索
15.Discussion on Promotion of Taijiquan Exercise in Retired People of City Community论太极拳在城市社区退休人群中的推广
16.Actively Develop Solar Power Industry,Propelled Two Types of Social Construction in Wuhan积极发展太阳能产业,助推武汉两型社会建设
17.Tae Kwon Do development process to Taijiquan promotion and dissemination enlightenment跆拳道的发展历程对太极拳推广与传播的启示
18.We might add a remark about the derivation of the epochs of the sunspot minima and maxima.我们不妨谈谈有关太阳黑子极小和极大期的推导。

taiji pushhands太极推手
1.This article discusses the training method of taiji pushhands.根据太极推手的运动特点,结合自己多年的训练经验和具体实践,从理论的高度阐述了太极推手的训练方法,强调太极推手训练要以拳架为基础,练劲是关键,从实战出发,求真求实,以致用为目
2.In this paper,the fundamental the strength study principle among taiji pushhands is described.阐述了太极推手的劲力学原理,并研究了力学三大要素对太极推手功法的影响,结合实践,较详细的论述了其具体在太极推手中的灵活运用。
3)the theories of Tai Chi太极拳理
4)Taiji theory太极拳理论
1.This paper studies the origin and development of Taijiquan and explores the relations between the Taiji theory and the theory of Confucianism and Taoism, classical philosophy and the theory of how to maintain good health.太极拳思想源远流长,太极拳理论博大精深基础深厚。
5)Tat n Yin-Yang theory太极阴阳理论
6)boxing leisure太极拳休闲理论
