遗留赘物,inherited hangover
1)inherited hangover遗留赘物
2)retained foreign body异物遗留
1.Inadvertent retained foreign body not only can lead patients to physical and psychological injury, but also can devastate the reputation of physicians, nurses and healthcare organizations.疏忽性异物遗留不单会对病人造成生理上、心理上的损害,还会破坏医护人员及医疗机构的声誉,在导致疏忽性异物遗留事件中,人员的遵从性是一种可测量和监控的人为因素。
3)residual skin tag皮赘残留
1.Meta-analysis was used to compare the incidence of recurrence and residual skin tag of PPH vs.方法通过多种途径收集2001年1月至2008年10月相关中英文文献,用Meta分析比较两者痔的复发率和术后皮赘残留率。

1.Residual skin tags following procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids should be differentiated from recurrencePPH术后复发与皮赘残留:应注意区分两者
2.The agricultural chemicals soak and remain in the peel wax.因为农药浸透并残留在果皮的蜡制中。
3.Scar: Mark left on the skin after a wound heals.瘢痕: 伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。
4.Determination of Dimethyl Formamide Residues in Leather by GC- MSGC-MS测定皮革中二甲基甲酰胺的残留量
5.Analysis of cause of residual stones after MPCNL for renal and upper ureteral calculi微创经皮肾镜取石术后结石残留的原因分析
6.Residual Analysis of Mancozeb in Orange and Soil代森锰锌在柑橘橘肉、橘皮及土壤中的残留分析
7.Skin condition may indicate progressive tissue damage. Retained moisture causes maceration.皮肤情况可指示组织损害进展情况,残留水分会浸软皮肤。
8.An Approach to Minimally Invasive Correction of Epicanthus with Double-eyelid Operation at the Same Time;重睑同期行内眦赘皮微创矫正术探讨
9.The extension of "L" shaped lower eyelids incision for the treatment of the epicanthus“L”形下睑延长切口治疗内眦赘皮
10.We found strands of matching fur embedded in her wrists in the scaphoid and the lunate.我们在她手腕的舟骨和月形骨处 找到了皮毛的残留物
11.Clinical Application of the Dissolution of Retained Bile Duct Stones with Emulsion of Orange Peel Oil and CDTA桔皮油环己二胺四乙酸乳剂溶解胆管残留结石的临床应用
12.Remove dyestuff of dirt on the surface of printing belt clean.清除残留在皮带上的染料及导物,维持清洁印花状态的装置.
13.At the upper left is a remnant of squamous esophageal mucosa that has been undermined by an infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-esophagus.左上方是残留的食管鳞状上皮,已被食管中段鳞状细胞癌破坏。
14.Study on Effects of Processing on Pesticide Residues in Orange Juice and Peels;加工过程对橙汁和橙皮渣中农药残留含量的影响研究
15.Pharmacokinetics and Residues of Mequindox in Pigs after Dermal Administration;痢菌净透皮剂在猪体内的药物动力学及残留研究
16.Determination of Corticosteroids Multi-Residues and Application of Quantum Dots in Immunoassay糖皮质激素多残留免疫研究与量子点在免疫分析中的应用
17.Determination of Ethylene Oxide in Disposable Skin Stapler比色法测定一次性皮肤缝合器中环氧乙烷的残留量
18.Development of Withdrawal Time of Eprinomectin Residue in Bovine Tissues after Subcutaneous Administration牛皮下注射爱普菌素注射剂后组织残留休药期的建立

retained foreign body异物遗留
1.Inadvertent retained foreign body not only can lead patients to physical and psychological injury, but also can devastate the reputation of physicians, nurses and healthcare organizations.疏忽性异物遗留不单会对病人造成生理上、心理上的损害,还会破坏医护人员及医疗机构的声誉,在导致疏忽性异物遗留事件中,人员的遵从性是一种可测量和监控的人为因素。
3)residual skin tag皮赘残留
1.Meta-analysis was used to compare the incidence of recurrence and residual skin tag of PPH vs.方法通过多种途径收集2001年1月至2008年10月相关中英文文献,用Meta分析比较两者痔的复发率和术后皮赘残留率。
4)genetic drag遗传累赘
1.Previous study showed that genetic drag between a blast resistance gene Pi25(t) and QTLs conditioning spikelet fertility (qSF-6) and number of filled grains per panicle (qNFGP-6) were detected on the short arm of rice chromosome 6.利用重组自交系研究表明,在水稻第6染色体短臂上稻瘟病抗性基因Pi25(t)与控制结实率和每穗实粒数的QTL之间存在遗传累赘。
5)cultural remains文化遗留物
1.These formulas are based on profound culture and psychological background, which is not only the cultural remains from the original period but also a type of literary form checked by aesthetics and acceptance psychology.这些模式的形成有着深远的文化和心理背景,它们既是原始时期的文化遗留物,也是经人类审美和接受心理反复检验淘汰之后的文学形式。
6)explosives left遗留爆炸物

遗留1.谓以前的事物或现象继续存在;留传下来。 2.犹遗嘱。