1.Domain knowledge resource management based on sub-ontology;基于子本体的领域知识资源管理
2.Study on Extracting Sub-ontology from Multiple Ontology;多本体中子本体抽取的研究
3.Extraction and simplification of user sub-ontology;用户子本体的提取与简化

1.The Pressure Distribution on the Surface of laterference Fit of Retaining Ring and Rotor Body护环与转子本体配合面上的压力分布
2.On the Continuity and Reformation of Laozi s Ontology by SHI Dao-an;论释道安对老子本体论的承接与改造
3.The fundamental magnetic entities are magnetic dipoles.基本的磁体是磁偶极子。
4.New Interpretation of Mencius Theory of "Exerting One s Heart/Mind";主体与本体的合一——孟子“尽心”说新诠
5.The indicated ontology is a previous version of the one being defined.在上面例子中被指出的那个本体是被定义本体的一个以前版本。
6.Bachelor degree, or above, in EE, semiconductor physics, microelectronics etc.本科或以上学位,半导体或微电子专业。
7.an accounting book as a physical object.作为一个物质实体的一种记帐的本子。
8.a personal record book (as a physical object).记录私事的本子(作为一个物质实体)。
9.Establishment of Mass Production System for Low Cost in Seeding of Gardenia Jasminoides Eills;低成本大量生产栀子种苗体系的建立
10.Electronic Official Document Inquiry System Based on Ontology and Lucene;基于本体论及Lucene的电子公文检索系统
11.Ontological Philosophy and Philosophical Origin of Bao Pu Zi Nei Pian;《抱朴子内篇》的本体论及其思想渊源
12.Suppressed-Male Intellectuals of the Modern Basic Experience;压抑——男性知识分子现代性的基本体验
13.The Basic Connotation and Systematic Characteristics of View of Honors and Disgraces in Guan Zi;《管子》荣辱观的基本内涵和体系特征
14.Does Zhuangzi Zhu Refer to"Character";《庄子注》所言的是“性”本体吗?
15.A (Stylistic) (Comparison) of Three (English) Version of You zi yin;对《游子吟》三个英译本的文体比较
16.Analysis of Ontologically Philosophical Cannotion of Lao tse’s Taoism;老子“道”论的本体论哲学内涵辨析
17.The Basic Characteristic and the Applications Study of Photonic Crystal Fibers光子晶体光纤基本特性及其应用研究
18.Intersubjectivity and the Birth of English Military Translation of The Art of War主体间性与《孙子兵法》军事译本的诞生

atom ontology原子本体
1.Sub-ontology,atom ontology,and the recursive definition of ontology are made under summarization of the existing results.总结已有的研究成果,基于统一本体层次化和模块化的思想,提出子本体、原子本体以及本体的递归定义,为本体建立科学的分类体系和一致的逻辑理论打下了基础。
3)ontology molecule本体分子
1.This paper discusses the difference between visualization in knowledge management system based on ontology molecule and in the ordinary visualization system,puts forward the principle of visualization designation in knowledge management system based on ontology molecule and introduces the designation and implementation of our visualization model in detail.本文主要讨论了基于本体分子的知识管理系统中的可视化,同一般可视化的不同之处,提出了基于本体分子的知识可视化设计原则,并详细介绍了可视化模型的设计及实现过程,最后介绍了本文采用的可视化效果评价指标体系。
4)rotor body感应子本体
5)rotor-body slot转子本体槽
6)bulk-anion polymerization本体阴离子聚合
