1.After introducing its concepts,models,criteria,and implementing steps,this paper focuses on several critical points in the implementation and application of MtF,which include scenarios simulation,integration of market risk and credit risk,risk benchmark and regret,and risk adjusted valuation.包括情景模拟方法 ,市场风险与信用风险的整合 ,风险的比较基准 (benchmark)与后悔值 ,经风险调整的估值以及看跌 /看涨有效前沿
2)regret value后悔值
1.On the basis of the regret value, this paper introduces a new method of discrete multiple objective desicion making programming.本文从心理学的角度 ,提出了一种基于后悔值的求解离散多目标决策问题的 MPTBRV法 ,文中还给出了相应的解
3)regret degree method后悔值法
4)expected regret value期望后悔值
5)be repentant of后悔;悔悟
1.The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Action Desire and Regret;大学生调节倾向与行为意向及后悔情绪的关系
2.Study of impacts from regret and uncertainty on consumer choice;消费者选择中后悔和不确定性的作用研究

1.repentant sighs [tears]后悔的叹息 [眼泪]
2.On "Regret" Experience in the "If" Narratives in Records of Regret;《后悔录》:“如果”叙事中的“后悔”体验
3.a twinge of conscience, fear, guilt, regret, remorse, etc良心、 恐惧、 内疚、 后悔、 悔恨等的一阵难受.
4.Repentance is sorrow for the deed, not for getting.为行为而忏悔,不要为结果而后悔
5.Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent.后悔的为其罪孽或过错而感到后悔或悲痛的;悔罪的
6.I never regret going to the country.到乡下去我从不后悔
7.ended the relationship without compunction;毫不后悔地结束了关系;
8.It is too late to grieve when the chance is past坐失良机,后悔已迟
9.I regret having done such a foolish thing .我后悔做了如此的蠢事。
10.It was too late now for repentance.现在后悔已来不及。
11.Now it's done, regrets are of no avail.事已如此, 后悔也是枉然。
12.I have nothing to repent of.我没有什么要后悔的。
13.Even now, I don't repent.既便现在,我也不后悔
14.I repent having offended my sister.我后悔伤了姊姊的感情。
15.It repents me that I did it.我很后悔做了这事。
16.He had done wrong,but repented.他做错了事,但后悔了。
17.I am regretful for hurting her feelings.我后悔伤害了她的感情。
18.I felt some compunction at having kept her waiting.我有点后悔要她等我。

regret value后悔值
1.On the basis of the regret value, this paper introduces a new method of discrete multiple objective desicion making programming.本文从心理学的角度 ,提出了一种基于后悔值的求解离散多目标决策问题的 MPTBRV法 ,文中还给出了相应的解
3)regret degree method后悔值法
4)expected regret value期望后悔值
5)be repentant of后悔;悔悟
1.The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Action Desire and Regret;大学生调节倾向与行为意向及后悔情绪的关系
2.Study of impacts from regret and uncertainty on consumer choice;消费者选择中后悔和不确定性的作用研究
