作战仿真,combat simulation
1)combat simulation作战仿真
1.Combat simulation for the Combat Command System of Warship Fleet based on Multi-Agent;基于多Agent的编队作战指挥系统作战仿真
2.Design and development of 3D virtual air defense combat simulation system;三维虚拟防空作战仿真系统的设计与开发
3.Applications of multi-agent system in the field of combat simulation;多Agent系统在作战仿真中的应用

1.And the method is applied in the battle simulation software of Digital Battle Simulation Lab of Armored Force Engineering Institute.该方法已用于装甲兵数字化作战仿真实验室的作战仿真中。
2.Combat simulation for the Combat Command System of Warship Fleet based on Multi-Agent;基于多Agent的编队作战指挥系统作战仿真
3.Research on Distributed Ocean Combats Simulation Based on HLA;基于HLA的分布式海上作战仿真研究
4.Design and Implementation of Combat Simulation System Based on HLA;基于HLA的作战仿真系统的设计与实现
5.Research of Army Unit Combat Simulation System on HLA基于HLA的陆军分队作战仿真系统研究
6.Research on Management Method of Regiment Artillery Operational Simulation Model团炮兵群作战仿真模型管理方法研究
7.Construction of Military Operation Simulation System Based on C/S Mode基于C/S模式的作战仿真系统构建
8.Research on Grenade Damage Model in the Infantry Combat Simulation步兵作战仿真中的榴弹毁伤模型研究
9.Design on Simulation System of Air Defense Forces Group Operation Based on HLA基于HLA的防空群作战仿真系统设计
10.Research Missile Defence And Air Defense Simulation System Based on HLA基于HLA的防空反导作战仿真系统研究
11.Repast-based Simulation and Modeling of Airborne Battle on Island基于REPAST的岛屿空降作战仿真模型
12.Research on Joint Operation Simulation Based on FLAMES and HLA基于FLAMES和HLA的联合作战仿真研究
13.HLA Interface Specification Research in Torpedo Warfare Simulation System鱼雷作战仿真系统中HLA接口规范研究
14.Research on Emulation Model of Field Operations Communication System Campaign Based on Multi-Agent基于Multi-Agent的野战通信系统作战仿真建模研究
15.Interface design is a key issue for distributed warfare simulation to have the ability of interoperability.接口设计是实现分布式作战仿真互操作的关键。
16.Collaboration Model of Army Weapons and Equipments Based on Multi-Agent Operation Simulation基于多Agent作战仿真的陆军武器装备协作
17.Simulation Evaluation of Battle Effectiveness of Conventional Missile Under Joint Operation联合作战中常规导弹作战效能仿真评估研究
18.Methodology of Simulation Analysis of Fighter's Combat Effectiveness飞机攻防对抗作战效能仿真分析方法

operation simulation作战仿真
1.Training system for HLA join operation simulation;HLA联合作战仿真训练系统研究
2.Based on the introduction of HLA, in combination with the new characteristic of Air-Sea Combat, naval aviation distributed striking simulation system is designed, the correlative federates and AEW CGF is exploited, which is valuable to develop the distributed operation simulation system.文中运用目前流行的分布式交互仿真思想,设计了分布式海军航空兵突击作战仿真系统,并对相关联邦成员以及预警机CGF进行了开发,对分布式作战系统的开发具有参考价值。
3.Operation simulation supposition plays an important part in military simulation system.作战仿真想定是军事仿真系统的重要组成部分,为仿真系统的运行提供了初始态势和作战任务。
3)warfare simulation作战仿真
1.As the kernel component and the key subsystem of warfare simulation system, synthetic environment simulation system (SESS) has the function of environment supporting and running control, whose performance determines fidelity and credibility of warfare simulation.海战场综合环境仿真系统是作战仿真系统的一个核心组件和关键子系统,在作战系统仿真中起着提供环境支撑和运行控制的功能,其性能的优劣决定了作战仿真的逼真度和可信度。
2.There are massive data in the warfare simulation system, and the result data can be analyzed by means of rough set, and it can be generalized to some useful rules and it can be proved that rough set has expansive application foreground.在作战仿真系统中,产生了大量的数据,用粗糙集方法对作战仿真结果数据进行挖掘,可以得出一些有参考价值的规则,可证明粗糙集技术在军用仿真系统中有着广阔的应用前景。
3.As important ways and means for understanding and studying wars, warfare simulation has becoming more and more significant for analysis, training and T&E (Test and Evaluation).作战仿真作为人们认识和学习战争的重要手段和方法,在各层次的分析、训练以及测试与评估中发挥着越来越重要的作用,是快速提高部队战斗力、提升国防和军队建设水平的重要技术途径之一。
4)battle simulation作战仿真
1.It is difficult to give attention to two or more things of the C~3I system simulation and the battle simulation due to their different emphasis.C3I系统仿真和作战仿真由于应用的侧重点不同,难以彼此兼顾,这种现状难以符合现代作战样式的要求。
2.Battle simulation is an important method for testing battle project of using computer simulation technology before executing it.作战仿真是作战方案实施前利用计算机模拟技术对其进行检验的一种重要手段,而视景生成主要是使仿真过程直观形象,增加可信度,是仿真过程中必不可少的应用技术。
3.Battle simulation database contains big mounts of resources and these resources has varieties of formats,so it is vital to design a well structed,conviniently used and efficient database for a battle simulation system.作战仿真数据库中所包含的数据信息量大、数据结构复杂,如何设计一个结构合理、使用方便、效率较高的数据库成为了作战仿真系统开发的一个难点。
5)operational simulation作战仿真
1.STAGE software provides a good environment for operational simulation which can be found in powerful operational laboratories.STAGE软件提供了一种良好的作战仿真环境 ,利用它可以构建起功能强大的作战实验室。
2.The operational simulation is an important branch of system simulation.作战仿真是系统仿真的一个重要分支,对于提高部队作战效能、降低军演成本、检验战法等具有重要作用,已经在发达国家军队中得到了广泛应用。
6)campaign-level combat simulation战役级作战仿真
1.Focusing on the requirement of Command Decision Model of campaign-level combat simulation, a new modeling method-Command Decision Modeling Method was given based on prearranged command regulation.针对战役级作战仿真对指挥决策模型的需求,提出了一种新的指挥决策建模方法—基于预定指挥规则的指挥决策建模方法。

作战地形仿真作战地形仿真operational terrain simulation zuozhan dixing fQngzhen作战地形仿真(叩erati。nal terrainsimulation)在地理空间数据的基础上,由计算机模拟出多维的、可度量的、逼真的地形环境的技术。目的是为信息战提供数字化的战场地形保障。 作战地形仿真的数据基础是地理空间数据,包括军用数字地图数据,航空和航天影像数据,兵要地志、交通、水文等军事专题数据。这些数据经过处理,按军事用途分为两类。一类是直接用于军事仿真对抗或武器平台试验的地形和地理目标数据,通常按一定的地面分辨率取样以规则格网的形式存在,作为战斗行动仿真模型的计算参数或武器效能评估的依据。另一类数据是用于地形可视化的地形模型数据和地表纹理数据,可模拟出逼真的地形环境,有效提高指挥员对战场环境的空间认知效果。 作战地形仿真的技术基础是计算机三维图形图像技术,其中虚拟现实(VR)技术是有效的仿真技术之一。运用虚拟现实技术构建虚拟地形环境,可以使指挥员与环境进行交互操作,达到亲历战场环境的效果,从而有效地扩展了认识手段。此外,虚拟环境的设计不仅来自模仿客观地理环境的真实世界,而且可以来自人的想象和预测的世界,比如创建出较为适合于特定训练或试验科目的地形环境。 作战地形仿真是伴随着作战指挥自动化、作战模拟以及武器试验的需求而产生和发展的。20世纪80年代初,西方军事发达国家开始进行战场环境仿真研究,并于80年代末在多项大型训练模拟系统(如SIMNET、CCTT)中得到应用。90年代,作战地形仿真迅速发展成为军事测绘保障的重要内容。中国的作战地形仿真研究始于80年代末。尔后,该项技术在作战指挥、训练模拟等领域得到广泛应用,并向标准化、制式化方向发展。随着中国卫星定位系统的逐步建立,多种比例尺数字地图数据库的日趋完善,基于虚拟现实的作战地形仿真技术将对支持实战或实兵、半实兵演练的综合战场环境的建设发挥更重要的作用。(游雄)