人工社会,artificial societies
1)artificial societies人工社会
1.Artificial Societies - Agent Based Social Simulation;人工社会——基于Agent的社会学仿真
2.Using artificial societies method and computer technology to establish artificial organization, we can get an important way to study management problem by computational experiments.利用人工社会思想和计算机技术构造人工组织系统进行计算实验,可以提供一个间接实验的重要方法。
3.Our investigation is focused on the basic framework integrates Popper s three world theory to social physics,social psychology,and social computing,and finally to artificial societies,computational experiments,and parallel systems.重点是根据Popper关于现实的三个世界模型,特别是作为世界3的人工世界,对社会物理学进行重新认识,试图理清三个世界与社会物理、社会心理、社会计算和人工社会、计算实验、平行系统之间的内在联系。
2)artificial society人工社会
1.With artificial life’s approach, an artificial society of war system was tried to establish, in which some complex war issues could be studied.基于人工生命的思想,在战争系统构建人工社会,企图通过建立的人工社会对某些战争复杂问题进行研究,为决策分析提供辅助。
2.On the results of social psychology and complex system foundation,using computer technology to establishban artificial society,we can get an important way to analyze behavior evolution problem with social science by computational experiment.基于社会心理学和系统科学思想,利用计算机技术构造一个人工社会,可以为社会科学领域的教学和研究提供一个计算实验的重要方法。
3)socialist workers party工人社会党

1.The PSOE can certainly claim to be social liberals.工人社会党当然可以宣称自己是社会自由主义者。
2.On International Elements for Polish Social Party to Cooperate with the Party of Workers after the War;战后初期波兰社会党同工人党合作的国际因素
3.Quite a few workers in the plant have been accepted as regular members of the Social Democratic Party.厂里不少工人被吸收为社会民主党的正式党员了。
4.The Socialists got 35% of the vote.社会党人获得35%的选票.
5.The Responsibility of CPWDP in the Construction of Harmonious Society;和谐社会的建设与农工党的社会责任
6.A Discuss on Social Practice and Party construction of Party Members among College Students;谈学生党员社会实践与学生党建工作
7.In 1900, representatives of trade unions, the ILP, and a number of small socialist societies set up the Labor Representation Committee (LRC).1900年,工会代表,独立工党和许多小型社会主义社团一起成立了工人代表委员会。
8.Several labour mps break away to join the social democrats有些工党下议院议员脱党後加入社会民主党
9.Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats.有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党.
10.social democratph.1. 社会民主党人;社会民主主义者
11.A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in1903.布尔什维克俄国社会民主工人党占多数派的左翼成员,该党于1903年接受了列宁建党理论
12.Parti Socialiste Rwandais卢旺达社会党(卢社会党)
13.New Socialist Party of Montenegro: f.1992; merger of Socialist Party and the People's Party in Montenegro.黑山新社会主义党:1992年由黑山社会主义党和人民党合并而成。
14.A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that seized power in that country in November1917.布尔什维克在1917年11月夺取国家政权的俄国社会民主工人党成员
15.The Working Class is the Main Force in Preserving Progressiveness of the Party and Building Harmonious Society;工人阶级是保持党的先进性建设和谐社会的主力军
16.Parti social democrate社会民主党(社民党)
17.British New Labour Party and Social Democrats: Convergence and Divergence;英国新工党与社会民主党:政策趋同与差异
18.The Socialists are coasting to victory in the election.社会党人在选举中会轻易获胜.

artificial society人工社会
1.With artificial life’s approach, an artificial society of war system was tried to establish, in which some complex war issues could be studied.基于人工生命的思想,在战争系统构建人工社会,企图通过建立的人工社会对某些战争复杂问题进行研究,为决策分析提供辅助。
2.On the results of social psychology and complex system foundation,using computer technology to establishban artificial society,we can get an important way to analyze behavior evolution problem with social science by computational experiment.基于社会心理学和系统科学思想,利用计算机技术构造一个人工社会,可以为社会科学领域的教学和研究提供一个计算实验的重要方法。
3)socialist workers party工人社会党
4)artificial social environment人工社会环境
1.Primilinary study on suitable ways ofcoordination and sustained development between natural ecological environment and artificial social environment;自然生态环境和人工社会环境协调与持续发展的适宜方式初探
5)artificial social network人工社会网络
1.It extended the scope of cooperation from one program to the global overlay,and maintained persistent trust and cooperation relationship between peers by the artificial social network.该模型通过人工社会网络把合作节点的范围从单个节目扩展到全局覆盖网络,在节点间建立持久的信任与合作关系,充分利用空闲带宽以主动和被动两种协助方式提高播放流畅度,并引入Tit-for-Tat机制激励节点参与协助。
6)social work personnel社会工作人才
1.After the Sixth Plenum of the 16th CPC Central Committee suggesting "train a large number of professionals who are good at dealing with social issues", our people face the new task of how to train qualified social work personnel.在党的十六届六中全会提出要建设宏大的社会工作人才队伍后,如何培养合格的社会工作人才的全新课题摆在了全国人民面前。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决