小世界性,small-world property
1)small-world property小世界性
1.At the same time,a equation describing small-world property of complex networks quantitatively is presented,by which three models are compared with each other.同时,提出了一个定量刻画复杂网络小世界性程度的公式,以小世界性程度为指标比较分析了各个演化模型。

1.Study on P2P network traffic based on small-world基于小世界性的P2P网络流量研究
2.It is a universal problem for small and medium enterprises to conduct financing.中小企业融资难是一个世界性的问题。
3.Private Novels-Unique Visual Angle To Show the Female World私人小说—─展示女性世界的独特视角
4.The Features of Dialogicality in the Text of Morrison s Novels;莫瑞森小说文本世界中的对话性特征
5.WEI Hui s Novels:An Interpretation about the World of Subsistence;卫慧小说:对生存性世界的一种解释
6.Overthrown Male Chauvinism: On Eileen Chang s Fiction;鞭挞颠覆下的男性世界——张爱玲小说论
7.On the Men in Zhang Ailing s Novels;类型各异的男性世界——张爱玲小说论
8.Research on Small World Model of P2P Network and Its FrangibilityP2P网络的小世界模型及脆弱性研究
9.Study on Nonlinear Dynamics in Small-world Networks小世界网络模型的非线性动力学研究
10.Worldwide Factors in Han Shaogong's Novella and Short Fiction Narrative of the New Century论韩少功新世纪中短篇小说叙事的世界性因素
11.The Female Power in Uncle Tom s Cabin--Redemption Through Women;《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的女性力量——女性拯救世界
12.The Distortion of Human Nature--On The Feminine World in Zhang Ailing s Novels;人性的扭曲——论张爱玲小说中的女性世界
13.The Code Property of Biology Neural System and Small World Network生物神经系统的编码特性和小世界特性
14.It's a small, small world.这是一个小小世界。
15.In the world of Patrick White’s novels, women are the maternal archetype.在怀特的小说世界中,女人是母性原型的象征。
16.Paradise Regained: Reading Women in Louise Erdrich s Fictional World;复乐园——露易丝·厄德里奇小说世界中的女性解读
17.Deng Xiaoping s open way of thinking and the formation of world vision;邓小平开放性思维方式与世界视野的形成
18.Non-tragedy Factors in Hardy s Tragic Novels;论哈代世界观影响下悲剧小说的非悲剧性

1.Study on P2P network traffic based on small-world基于小世界性的P2P网络流量研究
3)Small-world effects小世界特性
1.Education resource discovery strategy based on small-world theory;基于小世界原理的教育资源发现策略
2.The Application Research of Small-World Phenomena in P2P Networks;小世界现象在P2P网络中的应用研究
3.Relation Grid: Small-World-based Social Relationship Network;关系网格:一种基于小世界模型的社会关系网络
5)small world小世界
1.The small world-based improvement of JXTA discovery mechanism;基于小世界的JXTA发现机制的改进
2.Competition effect on the formation of small world networks;竞争行为所导致的小世界网络产生
3.Research on Small World Network and It s Use in E-Business;小世界网络及其在电子商务中的应用研究
6)Small World《小世界》
1.On the Comic Aspects of David Lodge s Small World;评戴维·洛奇《小世界》的喜剧内涵
2.The Underlying Meanings of the Academic Novels——Analyzing David Lodge s Small World;多重意蕴的学者小说——解读戴维·洛奇的《小世界》
3.The Small World and the Tradition of English Satirical Novels;《小世界》与英国讽刺小说传统

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-