空穴序列,vacant data series
1)vacant data series空穴序列
1.Grey forecasting model based on vacant data series and application基于空穴序列的灰色预测模型及其应用

1.Grey forecasting model based on vacant data series and application基于空穴序列的灰色预测模型及其应用
2.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Scylla paramamosain Protein-disulfide Isomerase Conserved Domain拟穴青蟹PDI保守区域的克隆与序列分析
3.Smoothness of Orlicz-Bochner Sequence SpacesOrlicz-Bochner序列空间的光滑性
4.Some Properties in Orlicz and Cesaro-Orlicz Sequence Spaces;Orlicz空间与Cesaro-Orlicz序列空间中的若干性质
5.hole theory of liquids【化】液体空穴理论
6.A place or time in a sequence of events.一个事件序列中的空间点或时间点。
7.Nonsquare Constant in Some Orlicz Sequence Spaces;某类Orlicz序列空间的非方常数问题
8.Some Pointwise Properties in Musielak-Orlicz Sequence Spaces;Musielak-Orlicz序列空间的若干点态性质
9.Some Geometrical Property of Musielak-Orlicz Sequence Spaces;Musielak-Orlicz序列空间的若干几何性质
10.A Note on Function Space and 1-Sequence-Quotient Mapping;关于函数空间及1序列商映射的注记
11.The Convergence of Sequence of Operators on Weighted Hardy Spaces;加权Hardy空间上算子序列的收敛性
12.Chaotic Characteristics of Urban Ambient SO_2 Concentration Time Series;城市空气SO_2浓度时间序列的混沌特征
13.Application of Multivariate Time Series in Reconstrusting Phase Space;多维时间序列在相空间重构中的应用
14.The Degree of Approximation by the Sequence of Positive Linear Operators in Orlicz Spaces;线性正算子序列在Orlicz空间的逼近阶
15.Some Limit Theorems of Random Sequences in Metric Spaces度量空间中随机序列的若干极限定理
16.An Extension of Vector Sequence's B-orthogonality in Banach SpaceBanach空间向量序列B-正交及推广
18.A Study on Some Relations between the Sequence Spaces c and c_0序列空间c与c_0某些关系的探讨

space sequence空间序列
1.Thinking about introducing space sequence concept;关于引入空间序列概念的思考
2.It is mainly the light and space sequence that create the four-dimensional space.光和空间序列是创造四维空间的主要元素。
3.Gate plays an important role because it is start-point of space sequence of the acrhitectural group,it has funcitons in protection,traffic and culture.大门是建筑群体空间序列的起点 ,位置重要 ,它具有防卫、交通、文化等功能。
3)spatial sequence空间序列
1.The application of contrast in spatial sequence design;对比在空间序列设计中的运用
2.The essay makes initial discussions of different kinds of rhythms in architectural spatial sequence to approach to the practical significance of rhythms.文章对建筑空间序列中常见的节奏状况进行初步分类,探讨节奏的表现意义。
3.The spatial characteristics of Yunnan Dali Shuanglang town street were introduced from street distributing situation,street spatial sequence, spatial scale,ecological landscape,paving art and street life.从街巷的分布情况、街巷的空间序列、空间尺度、生态景观、铺装艺术、街巷生活等方面介绍了云南大理双廊镇的街道空间特色,指出在进行旅游开发的同时,应注意保留和发扬街道的空间特色,从根本上保护双廊特色景观。
4)sequential space序列空间
1.This paper proves that a weakly-sequential space X with a σ-weakly hereditarily closure-preserving sn-network has a σ-compact finite sn-network.文中证明了一个具有σ-弱遗传闭包保持sn-网的弱序列空间具有-σ紧有限sn-网。
2.We showthat a mapping froma sequential space is continuous iff it is sequentially continuous,whichi m-proves a result by relaxing first-countability of domains to sequentiality.证明了序列空间上的映射是连续映射当且仅当它是序列连续映射,这一结果减弱了通常要求的定义域空间的第一可数性。
3.By this result,we will know that a sequential space with a point-countable cs~*-network is a D-space.由此结论,我们得到一序列空间若有点可数cs~*-网络,则X是D-空间。
5)space series空间序列
1.If the data sequence of all seismic prospecting signal traces at the same moment is regarded as a complicated function of the strata in some region and their geological parameters, it is a space series of seismic prospecting signal.当把地震勘探信号各道间对应于同一时刻的数据序列看作是反映一定范围内地层及其地质参数的复杂函数时,便构成了地震勘探信号的空间序列。
6)Space order空间序列
1.This paper analyzes and sets forth the following questions: How to analyze the influence of natural light in design? How to intensify space order and light atmosphere of indoor design by analyzing and dealing with natural light?Based .那么如何在设计中对自然光线的影响进行分析;如何通过对自然光线的分析和处理来加强室内设计的空间序列性和光氛围,就是这篇文章中我重点要阐述和分析的问题。
