检查搜潜,anti-submarine inspection searching
1)anti-submarine inspection searching检查搜潜
1.In the anti-submarine inspection searching,different forces must be assigned to the areas according to the characteristics of this way,the ability of each force and the probability of the target present in every area for the best searching efficacy.为了在对潜检查搜索中取得最佳的搜潜效果,需要根据检查搜潜方式的特点、各兵力搜索能力的不同、以及目标在各个搜索区域存在概率的大小,给不同的搜索区域指派不同的搜索兵力。

1.Simulative Research on Major Factors Which Affecting the Efficiency of Checking-Antisubmarine影响吊放声纳检查搜潜效能主要因素仿真研究
2.Application of Hungarian Algorithm to the Forces Assignment in Anti-submarine Inspection Searching匈牙利算法在检查搜潜兵力指派问题中的应用
3.Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Ship Cooperative Inspection Submarine-Search Based on Ship-Shell Sonar基于舰壳声纳的多舰协同检查搜潜建模与仿真
4.To search or examine thoroughly.彻底搜查彻底仔细地搜寻或检查
5.pipeline inspection sphere管线检查球形潜水器
6.A Search Warrant Is a Must for an Administrative Inspection to a Suspect s Home;行政检查公民的住宅必须使用搜查证
7.To rummage or search around, especially for a possible profit.寻觅,搜求尤指为某种可能或潜在的利益而四处搜寻或查找
8.Reasons for Check instead of Search in Criminal Investigation Process and the Countermeasures刑事侦查中检查代替搜查的原因及对策研究
9.a rigorous search, examination,analysis, etc彻底的搜寻、 严密的检查、 精确的分析.
10.deep submergence search vessel深海潜水船深潜搜索艇
11.Failed to create the search scope. Please check your input, and make sure no search scope with this name already exists.创建搜索范围失败。请检查输入,并确认不存在同名的搜索范围。
12.No items match the current search. Check your search parameters, and try again.没有项目与当前搜索匹配。请检查您的搜索参数,然后再试一次。
13.Timed out waiting for search configuration to complete. Please check the application event log on your search servers ({0}).等待完成搜索配置超时。请在搜索服务器({0})上检查应用程序日志。
14.Body -search a suspect for drugs ; conduct a skin search on a suspect for drugs对嫌疑人进行脱衣搜身,检查是否夹带毒品
15.The ship be search and all the animal on It be quarantine .对船只进行了搜查,船上所有动物被隔离检疫。
16.Fans can expect airport type security with mandatory pat-downs.球迷将被强制搜身,接受机场一样的安全检查。
17.an exhaustive enquiry, search彻底的调查、 搜查
18.Much of the litigation on administrative searches has involved the application of the warrant clause to agency inspections.多数有关行政搜查的诉讼都和适用机关检查的授权令条款有关。

3)subject a person to a search; search a person搜身检查
4)inspection search检查搜索
1.Based on search theory of ship-borne shell sonar and ship cooperative inspection search tactics,mathematical models of rectangle,extending square and surrounding square search for submarine using ship-shell sonar were built under the unknown submarine initial position,course and velocity.基于舰载舰壳声纳搜潜原理及舰艇协同检查搜潜战术,分别建立了在潜艇初始位置、航向及航速未知条件下,舰壳声纳对潜艇目标的矩形、扩展方形及包围方形检查搜索的数学模型;基于已建搜索模型及假定的潜艇运动模型,利用蒙特卡洛方法,得到了相同仿真条件下3种搜索算法的搜潜概率及搜到潜艇所需平均时间,三种算法的搜潜概率与潜艇初始航向角、潜艇航速、潜艇航向变化次数等潜艇运动因素之间的关系,并对搜潜概率及搜潜时间进行了分析比较,获得了有益的效果。
5)diving check潜水检查
1.this paper give us the diving check method,process and attention for surface ship using three bolts diving equipment, provide the reference for us when we do the same work.本文介绍了用三螺栓潜水装具对水面舰船潜水检查作业实施方法、步骤及注意事项,为各位同行进行同类作业时提供参考。
6)checking anti-submarine检查性反潜
1.Analyzing the characteristics of checking anti-submarine and the tactics features of dipping sonar,the searching effectiveness index of dipping sonar in checking anti-submarine was put forward.通过对检查性反潜特点和吊放声呐战术特性的分析,确定了检查性反潜时反潜直升机采用吊放声呐搜潜的效能指标。

检查检查  医务人员运用五官和手及各种医疗设备对人体所进行的各种检查、观察。如体格检查、心电图检查、X线检查等。