Extend技术,Extend technology
Copy-Extend technologyCopy-Extend技术
3)Extend softwareExtend软件
1.A dynamic simulation model of post landing gear of some type that based on Extend software was established.对某机型支柱式起落架建立了基于Extend软件的动态仿真模型,并进行了仿真分析和参数优化设计。
2.This paper used EXTEND software in building the model of steelmaking logistics on condition analyzing its characteristic.研究工作表明:在仿真建模的过程中,EXTEND软件的模块化、拖拉式以及层级化等特点对复杂物流系统的仿真建模效率有了很大提高。
1.There exist two different approach to test computer organization: one is the experiment of human-in-the-loop, which is implemented on Distributed Dynamic Decision-making (DDD); another is the experiment of the entire virtual test on the tool of Extend.对目前普遍采用的两种计算组织测试环境—分布式动态决策模拟器(Distributed Dynamic Decision-making,DDD)与组织虚拟测试的Extend环境进行分析,指出两种途径各自的优缺点,针对未来计算组织测试的需求提出测试技术的发展趋势。
5)Extend Direct Memory AccessEDMA(Extend Direct Memory Access)
6)Extend software modelingExtend软件建模
