1)SEIRS modelSEIRS模型
1.New SEIRS model's dynamic behavior in BA networks一类新SEIRS模型在BA网络上的传播行为研究

1.New SEIRS model's dynamic behavior in BA networks一类新SEIRS模型在BA网络上的传播行为研究
2.The SEIRS Epidemic Model in Complex Networks复杂网络上SEIRS类传染病模型的研究
3.The Effects of Continuous and Impulsive Vaccination in SEIRS Epidemic Model;连续接种和脉冲接种在SEIRS流行病模型中的效应
4.Being, serving as, or used as a model.模型的模型的,作为模型的,用作模型的
5.Implementation Model versus Mental Model实现模型与心理模型
6.Implementation Models and Mental Models实现模型和心理模型
7.To make or construct a model of.做模型做或建造…的模型
8.To make a model.做模型制做一个模型
9.cartographic mode地图模型,制图模型
10.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。
11.Two Algorithms That Simulate RMESH by PRAMPRAM模型模拟RMESH模型的2种方案
12.The act or profession of being a model.模型作模型或模特的行为或过程
13.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟
14.Modeling Method for Abstract Organizational Model from AGR Meta-modelAGR元模型到组织抽象模型的建模方法
15.Comparison between Ramsauer Model and Global Opotic Model;Ramsauer模型与球型光学模型的比较
16.The valuationmodels concludesingle factor evaluation models and general evaluation model.评估模型包括单因素评估模型和综合评估模型。
17.An apparatus or a model representing the solar system.太阳系模型,天象模型代表太阳系的装置或模型
18.The models include grouping-and-grading model and weight optimization model.数学模型包括分组分级模型和权重优化模型。

SEIRS epidemic modelSEIRS流行病模型
1.In this paper,we consider the influence of continuous vaccinations and density-dependent latent peroid on an SEIRS epidemic model with Logistic birth rate.本文在种群按Logisti增长情况下研究了预防接种和潜伏期密度依赖对SEIRS流行病模型的影响,得到了无病平衡点和地方病平衡点的存在性以及稳定性条件。
3)Improved SEIRS model改进的SEIRS模型
1.A mode of artificial wetland for wastewater treatment in Guangchang County;广昌县人工湿地污水处理模型
2.Research on mode of rank of enterprise occupational injury risk;企业职业伤害风险分级模型研究
3.Study on decision-making modeling of water environmental protection and economic development;水环境保护与经济发展决策模型的研究
1.Modeling of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Process Based on ANFIS;基于ANFIS的磨料水射流切割模型
2.Porous grout pressure modeling in mending shaft-lining ruptures;井壁破坏注浆治理中的浆液孔隙压强模型
3.Modeling transfer and partitioning of potentially toxic pollutants in soil crop system for human food security.;土壤-作物污染物迁移分配与食物安全的评价模型及其应用
