社会危机,social crisis
1)social crisis社会危机
1.Analysis of the type and causes of social crisis;试析社会危机的类型与成因
2.The construction of the social crisis government ability in the periodof social transformation;转型期的社会危机与政府能力建设
3.What the works imply is the social crisis which is brought about by economic society;what they reflect are the publicization of material lusts,the rise of consumption culture,the insobriety of social sybaritism,etc.上个世纪70年代后当代艺术创作多元化的特征越是明显,其是在全球化意识状态下的风格表现,在作品背后隐含着经济社会带来的社会危机,表现为物质欲望的张扬、消费文化兴起、社会享乐主义的无节制等。

1.The national crisis and social crisis were unprecedentedly grave.民族危机和社会危机空前深重。
2.On the Precautionary System of Social Crisis and the Construction of Harmonious Society of Socialism;社会危机预警与社会主义和谐社会的构建
3.Crisis Management in Urban Societies: Variable Study and Crisis Alarm;城市社会危机管理:变量研究与危机预警
4.Analysis on the Main Body and the System Construction of Social Crisis Governance;社会危机治理的主体分析及系统建构
5.Studies on Social Participate in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的社会参与机制研究
6.Stalin' s Russia and the Crisis in Socialism斯大林的俄国与社会主义危机
7.A research for Socio-Psychological Presentiment System in crisis event危机突发事件的社会心理预警研究
8.the moral crisis urged the emergence of effective measures to save the country.深重的社会道德危机,催生了救世良方。
9.The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved.引起这些危机的社会问题尚未解决。
10.Rex's public life was approaching a climacteric.雷克斯的社会生活正面临着危机。
11."The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century" and the Western Social Transformation;“17世纪普遍危机”与西方社会转型
12.Study on the Social Capital in Public Crisis Management in China;我国公共危机管理中的社会资本研究
13.See the Trust Crisis in the Risk Society Through SARS;透过SARS看风险社会中的信任危机
14.Study on social capital in Public crisis collaborative governance;公共危机协同治理中的社会资本研究
15.In folk society vicissitude legal belief crisis ponder;乡土社会变迁中法律信仰危机的思考
16.An Analysis of the Government s Crisis Management from the Perspective of Harmonious Society;试析和谐社会视角下的政府危机管理
17.The Financial Solution of Ecological Crisis in Social Transition;社会转型期的生态危机及其财政应对
18.Socialogical Aanalysis of the Crisis of Confidence in Modernized Course;现代化进程中信任危机的社会学解析

social crises社会危机
1.There were many reasons for that, and the most critical one lied in the problems in Kuo-mintang itself: the severe social crises arising from the region under the rule of Kuo-mintang at the latter stage of the war of resistance against Japan laid down a hidden danger for its later failure; After the success of the war of resistance against Japan, Kuo-mintang robbed.全面内战爆发后国民党政府在三年内就失败而退出大陆,究其原因有各种各样,关键还在国民党本身存在的问题:在抗战后期国统区暴露出的严重社会危机,已经为其后来的失败留下隐患;抗战胜利后国民党对原沦陷区的"劫收",构成人民对其极度反感;对东北地区接收的失利,使国民党政府丧失了控制全国局势的枢纽;违背渴求和平民主的民意,把全民推入水深火热的内战中,遭到社会各阶层的反对,从而使国民党政府成为孤家寡人;国民党军队在战略战术上的弱点,加速了国民党政府的垮台。
2.The social crises during Jia and Dao times of Qing dynasty mainly manifested in two aspects, one was abundant groups of strayers and loosers, the other was abundant secret tongs.清嘉道时期的社会危机主要表现在二个方面:一是大量的流民游民群;二是大量的秘密结社。
3)sociological crisis社会学危机
1.For the solution of sociological crisis,there are two ways.解决社会学危机的努力表现为两条进路:一条是实证主义内部的更新改造,一条是理解主义和批判主义对实证主义的批判。
4)vies of socialcrisis社会危机观
5)social crisis management社会危机管理
1.The social crisis management system has presented a new trend after undertaking an evolution.中国社会危机管理已经呈现出新的发展趋势。
6)social public crisis社会公共危机
1.If they are not properly and timely guarded and reduced,they may develop into social public crisis.如果不能及时地对之加以防范和化解,社会公共风险就有可能演变为社会公共危机。

《西方社会学面临的危机》  当代美国社会学家A.W.古尔德纳的代表作。出版于1970年。在书中,古尔德纳从激进立场对第二次世界大战后以T.帕森斯的结构功能主义为代表的美国社会学理论进行深入的批判。其主要观点有:①结合结构功能主义社会学的兴衰分析了它与所处的社会-历史-文化环境的相互关系,强调社会学与社会之间的相关性,力陈战后美国社会学在理论与实践、社会学与社会之间割裂的弊病,并对之进行了深入的批判。②批判社会学"价值中立"的观点,指出这是一种基于偏见和错误假设得出的错误的虚假观点,主张社会学家应从个人创造的标准对一切形式的体制化持批判态度。③提出应发展一种所谓的"反省的社会学",主张从知识社会学角度在社会-历史-文化的框架和脉络中对社会学理论进行分析。