危机事件,Crisis event
1)Crisis event危机事件
1.Correlation between anxiety emotion and personality under crisis event危机事件下个体焦虑情绪与人格特征的关系
2.Study of tourist crisis events used to be concentrated on management both at home and abroad.国内外对旅游危机事件的研究集中于管理方面,近年相关热点转向对旅游影响的研究。
3.The tourism is a sun-rise industry, but the crisis events often happen in some tourist areas.旅游业是一项朝阳产业 ,但旅游景区的危机事件时有发生。

1.Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预
2.A Study on Our Government Mechanism in Crisis Management;构建我国政府应对危机事件机制研究
3.Mechanism Construction of Handling Crisis in University Town;大学城学生危机事件处理机制的构建
4.On the Pre-Warning of Public Crisis Mechanism in China我国公共危机事件预警机制建设刍议
5.The Dissemination Function of News Media in Crisis Affairs;危机事件中新闻媒体的传播作用研究
6.On the Replying Principle of Government Public Relationship of the Crisis Accidents;危机事件中的政府公共关系应对原则
7.Countermeasures against the crises for undergraduates;大学生危机事件高发期的成因及对策
8.Study On Social Justice of Crisis Event;危机事件及其处理的社会公平性研究
9.Study on Emergency Administration of Crisis Events of Public Security in the United States;美国公共安全危机事件应急管理研究
10.On Establishing and Perfecting Police Negotiation Mechanism in Dealing with Crises论建立健全应对危急事件警务危机谈判的机制
11.The Study of American Crisis Management Mechanism from the Event of "9.11";从“9.11”事件看美国的危机管理机制
12.This Incident have sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis这件事提高了公众对经济危机的认识
13.This incident has sharpened public awareness of the economic crisis.这件事提高了公众对经济危机的认识.
14.This incident will surely bring on a crisis.这次突发事件定将导致一场危机。
15.A research for Socio-Psychological Presentiment System in crisis event危机突发事件的社会心理预警研究
16.Great crises are breeders of great events in history.严重的危机引发重大的历史事件。
17.The Research of Crisis Management Based on the Giant Energy Calcium Event;基于“巨能钙”事件的危机管理研究
18."9·11" and the Japanese Diplomatic Crisis Management;“9·11”事件与日本外交危机管理

1.This paper discusses how to set up an effective mechanism to handle the crisis in the university town so as to construct a harmonious body.近年来高校学生危机事件日益增多,而大学城的开放性及集聚性特征决定了大学城学生的危机事件处理的紧迫性与重要性。
2.The administrative concept of crisis warning has been widely accepted by the administrators of colleges where public crises happen frequently.青年群体对校内外政治、非政治事件的聚焦促成了高校危机事件的起因,并形成了可以预测的危机形成过程。
3.The impact and influence of the crisis on the public psychology shows that crisis intervening is necessary in a crisis.文章认为突发危机事件对社会公众心理的冲击和影响说明危机干预是突发危机事件的现实需要,并指出了现时危机干预需要在整个社会系统背景下进行,其社会组织系统的构建内容和实施过程诸如电话危机热线、面对面危机服务、电子延伸服务等作为积极的现时危机干预策略,可以给身处危机事件中社会公众以强有力的心理支持。
3)critical incident危机事件
1.Science communication in critical incident the"SARS"and"Avian Influenza"epidemic approach;危机事件中的科学传播——基于“SARS”与“禽流感”疫情的研究
2.So, modern enterprises should not only know and catch the chance of the market in administration management, but handle various critical incidents well at the same time, whether the treatment of enterprise s critical incident is effective or not, will influence the development of enterprises seriously.因此,现代企业在经营管理中不仅要善于发现和捕捉市场的机会,同时还要处理好各种各样的危机事件
3.This article reports combine the critical incident and the construction of State’s image and look at how to construct the China\'s national image respectively through the "People\'s Daily" and "The New York Times" in Sichuan wenchuan earthquake incidents report , in order to sum up gain and loss in the process of.本文将危机事件的报道与国家形象建构结合起来,以内容分析法为基本研究方法,通过对《人民日报》和《纽约时报》关于四川汶川大地震这一危机事件的报道进行比较分析,考察了在这一危机事件报道过程中,中国国家形象在国内和国际上所呈现的情况。
4)crisis events危机事件
1.People s response to crisis events has different features in different periods of time.危机事件具有突发性、威胁性、不确定性、紧迫性和震慑性等特点,往往会给人们的心理产生严重冲击。
2.This relative relation between vulnerable groups and strong groups provides profound enlightenment for the enterprises to deal with crisis events in public relations.强、弱势群体之间的这种相对关系为企业制定公关危机事件处理策略提供了深刻启示。
5)public crisis公共危机事件
1.People s trust in media derives from media s influence and authoritative quality, and in the time of public crisis, the trust becomes all the more important.传媒公信源于传媒自身的影响力和权威性,而公共危机事件则使传媒之公信力愈发得以凸现。
2.In the public crisis, the media plays an important role as the information channel between the public and the government, which is not only the bridge and link of the public and government, but also the "gatekeeper”who filters the crisis information.在公共危机事件中,媒体扮演着政府与公众之间信息流通渠道的重要角色,它既是实现政府与公众沟通的桥梁和纽带,又是对危机信息进行过滤、筛选的“把关人”。
6)emergency conjuncture突发事件危机

《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战的任务》《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战的任务》Present Crisis in the War of Resistance and Task of Persevering in the War of Resistance in North China  lchi妊esis-Zrof关于题的6日浅于第1司恩Muqian Kangzhan Weiii yu JiaHuQbei Kangzhan de Renwu《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战务》(P resent crisis inth‘wa:of,tanee and Task ofPersevering in rhe们Resistance in NOrth China)周,恩来抗日战争形势和如何坚持华北抗战值军事著作。是周恩来于1937年n月在山西临汾群众大会上的演讲。刊1937年12月出版的汉口《群众》周干卷第2期。收入1980年12月出版的<来选集》上卷。 1937年11月8日和12口,太厉海相继失守。为唤起人民坚持华北拍信心,周恩来做了这篇演讲。全文共3内容。第1部分,目前抗战形势及其)该文指出,在太原、上海失守后,抗品出现了妥协调停空气逐渐抬头的危机召要为克服这些危机而奋斗。第2部交持华北抗战的可能及其前途。强调指汁持抗战必须以坚持华北抗战为中心。事上,中央政府应增加生力军到华Jt侧后,改变专守防御的战略战术,动丘民众参战。八路军是推动和领导华北抗战的重要力量。坚持华北抗战将以战争为主体,华北游击战争有着胜和途。第3部分,坚持华北抗战中我{I’_务。第一是改造军队。改造旧军,成军,其组织必须适合山地运动战和战,采用三三制;建立政治工作制度;部队生活;部队指挥要给以独断专行力,使其能独立作战;改变战略战术,识现在是运动战,是游击战,争人不有要建立各部队的后方。第二是开放政杠行民主政治,地方自治自给。第三是月运。要宜传、发动、组织和武装民众。是肃清汉奸,坚决反对投降主义、失贴及特殊化的倾向。 《目前抗战危机与坚持华北抗战务》对于抗日战争初期华北游击战争献起了一定的指导作用。(胡哲上的分叭势号坚坚军人大久击前任新击善权认鱿实民四义二如邻湘歇,!宝玫卜夺狰自自苏奈奕白到地一浏翱七任展自父日