物证,material evidence
1)material evidence物证
1.Construction of Material Evidence Objects Spectrum Database;物证检材光谱数据库的建设
2.Reflection upon Strengthening the Consciousness of Preserving Material Evidence for Police;关于加强公安民警物证保全意识的思考
3.This paper summarizes technical determination program of electrical fire material evidence,disusses some special need-noticed problem in technical determination work.总结和归纳了电气火灾痕迹物证技术鉴定程序 ,着重论述了在技术鉴定工作中应该特别注意的问题。

1.Evidence is classified as real evidence, testimony, direct evidence, and circumstantial evidence.证据被分为实物证据、言词证据、直接证据和间接证据。
2.Display documentary evidence, material evidence and video and audio information,出示书证、物证和视听资料,
3.The reforms of public security material evidence technical appraisement were imperative.公安物证技术、证鉴定改革势在必行。
4.On the lawsuit value of the trace material evidence in scientific evidence;科学证据之微量物证的诉讼价值研究
5.System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence药物证据资料检索系统
6.The police hunted up some proofs警察找到了一些物证
7.make(sth)logical or justifiable证实,确证(某事物)
8.the evidence by which something is attested.某物经检验证明无病的证据。
9.permit to import a carcass动物尸体入口许可证
10.certificate of transportation of dangerous goods危险货物运输证明书
11.waste disposal permit system废物处理许可证制度
12.removal permit duty-paid goods已税货物搬移许可证
13.long load permit运载特长货物许可证
14.Transshipment Cargo Exemption Scheme转运货物豁免签证方案
15.veterinary food health certificate禽畜食物卫生证明书
16.permit to import an animal product动物产品入口许可证
17.licensed material有许可证的放射性物资
18.quality assurance technical publications质量保证技术出版物

1.New application of metallographic analysis in appraising judicature evidence;金相分析在司法物证鉴定中的新应用
2.The qualitative analysis of the material evidence of a death by the application of electronic probe technology应用电子探针技术对一起死亡案件进行物证分析定性
3.Scene examination,evidence collection and evidence examination are the recognition of narcotics-robbed cases means and aims,and they are the keys to the smooth conducting of placing cases on file,investigation,settling cases and litigation.麻醉抢劫案件的现场勘查、提取物证、检验鉴定是对犯罪手段、目的的认识,是案件立案、侦查、破案、诉讼得以顺利进行的关键。
3)physical evidence物证
1.This paper made a fire scene reconnaissance of a tall building under construction,and then presented the way to make the responsible party commit its duty by collecting enough witness testimony and physical evidence according to the rules of reconnaissance.说明了火灾现场勘验怎样按照火灾现场勘验规则,用人证和物证使当事人在大量的事实面前承认火灾原因和自己的责任。
2.Based on the large amount of experiments in physical evidence sampling technology in the fire site and the identification technology,the article emphasized that the sample of the smoke trace on the glass near the fire origin is better than the charcoal materials.通过对火灾现场物证提取技术与鉴定技术进行的大量摸拟试验,得出提取火灾现场起火点附近玻璃附着烟尘的方法比提取炭化物优越,干扰因素少,准确率高。
4)human testimony and material evidence人证物证
5)biological evidence生物物证
1.Therefore,biological evidence often fails to be extracted in these crimes.目前DNA技术在侦破凶杀、强奸等重大案件中已成为常规的突破方法,但在发案率高,打防难度大的各类侵财型案件侦破中应用还较少,生物物证的提取意识也较差。

物证  对案件事实有证明作用的物品或痕迹。物证以其外部形状、性质、存在情形等证明案件,是一种重要的诉讼证据,在刑事诉讼中使用尤为广泛。刑事诉讼中常见的物证,有犯罪分子实施犯罪的工具,犯罪过程中留下的物品或痕迹,犯罪行为侵犯的客体物,以及其他可供揭露犯罪和查获犯罪人的物品,如凶器、血衣、现场的指纹、赃款赃物等。在罗马法中,物证已被使用。古巴比伦的《汉穆拉比法典》有审盗窃案要"认证失物"的规定。在中国古代诉讼中,也广泛使用物证。《睡虎地秦简·封诊式》,有将私铸钱币、血衣等物证交官检验,以及详细描述现场脚印大小形状的记载。    中国刑事诉讼中,物证主要由侦查和审判机关通过勘验、检查、搜查等方法收集,也可由单位或个人提供。民事诉讼中,物证应由当事人向法院提供,也可由法院主动收集。物证应妥善保管或封存。不能长期保存的,可作成模型保存,或摄影、绘图附卷。    物证可能被伪造,又容易与疑似的物品相混淆,与案件事实之间的联系也不易判明,因此,对物证应认真进行审查。审查物证可以通过鉴定、辨认等方法进行,并应联系案件其他证据分析对照(见司法鉴定、刑事技术、痕迹检验、司法物理检验、司法化学检验、法医学物证检验)。