劳动标准,labor standards
1)labor standards劳动标准
1.The implementation of labor standards is of great importance for it is an important way of realizing the objectives and values of the legislation of Labor Law.劳动标准包含宏观、中观和微观三个层面。
2.Currently,there are a lot of problems in Chinas labor relations,such as labor contract,labor standards,labor and social security,labor disputes,etc.当前,中国劳动关系在劳动合同、劳动标准、劳动保障和劳动争议等方面还存在着较多的问题。
3.Fundamental labor standards can be defined: the lowest standards for wages ,hours of work, weekly rest and paid leave ,occupational safety and health and health and employment of women and children.劳动基准是指以强制性规范规定的关于工资、工时、劳动安全卫生、女职工和未成年工特殊保护等方面的最低劳动标准

1.International Labor S tandards and Our Labor Standards Improvement;国际劳工标准与我国劳动标准立法的完善
2.Many states have adopted laws setting labor standards.许多州通过了规定劳动标准的法律。
4.The State shall adopt all possible measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, formulate labour standards,国家采取各种措施,促进劳动就业,发展职业教育,制定劳动标准
5.Active efforts shall be made to formulate and revise the state's basic labor standards, and a labor standard system suitable to China's actual conditions be perfected.积极开展国家基本劳动标准的制订修订工作,完善适合中国国情的劳动标准体系。
6.An Analysis of Reality and Causes of Ineffective Implementation of Labor Standards in China and Improvement Measures;我国劳动标准实施不力的现实、原因及对策探析
7.standard of average social labor consumption社会平均劳动耗费标准
8.Discuss De Facto Labor Relationship from the Point of Non-Standardization of Labor Relationship;从劳动关系非标准化看事实劳动关系
9.A change has now been made in accordance with the Central Committee's plan whereby labour-power is taken as the criterion, so that a person with labour-power is allotted twice as much land as one without.现依中央办法,改以劳动力为标准,能劳动的比不能劳动的多分一倍。
10.On the Conflict of WTO Labour Standards and Reform of Chinese Labour Legal System;论WTO劳工标准之争与中国劳动法制的改革
11.Core Labour Standards and Improvement of Chinese Labour Law;核心劳工标准与中国劳动法的修改完善
12.The Comparison between Chinese Labor Legal System and International Core Labor Standards;我国劳动法律制度水平与核心劳工标准的比较
13.On the Labor Standard Conflict in WTO and Reform of Chinese Legal System of “Labors Three Rights”;论WTO劳工标准之争与中国“劳动三权”制度的完善
14.Study on Labor Dispatch under the Trend of Non-standard Labor Relations劳动关系非标准趋势下的劳务派遣问题研究
15.International Standards of Labor Rights Protection and the Developing Trends;劳动权保障的国际标准及其发展趋势
16.On the Study of China s Labor Law and Its Countermeasures on WTO Labor Standards Issues;我国劳动基准法律制度应对WTO劳工标准议题的策略研究
17.Labour-power is not an appropriate criterion for land distribution.〔24〕以劳动力为标准分配土地的方法,是不妥当的。
18.Strictly implement the labour safety and health care regulations and standards of the State,严格执行国家劳动安全卫生规程和标准,

standard labor标准劳动力
3)Labor standard act劳动标准法
1.Labor standard act is one of important law in adj.劳动标准法是调整劳动关系的重要法律,它主要通过倾斜立法来保障劳动者的基本生存权益,维持社会的稳定。
4)labor standard劳工标准,劳动标准
5)labor standard system劳动标准体系
1.Analysis on the effects of the labor standard system on human resource management of enterprise;论劳动标准体系对企业人力资源管理的影响
6)management of labor standards劳动标准管理

德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of Germany  Oeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。