毒气泄漏,toxic gas leakage
1)toxic gas leakage毒气泄漏
1.Study of toxic gas leakage accident injury model of transportable hazards;流动危险源毒气泄漏事故伤害模型研究

1.Study on Poison Gas Leakage and Emergency Evacuation in Urban Industry Disaster Areas城市工业区毒气泄漏及应急疏散的研究
2.Research on Source Inversion Problem in the Leakage of Toxic Gases Based on Hybrid Genetic-Pattern Search Algorithm混合遗传—模式搜索算法在毒气泄漏中的源强反算研究
3.Study on the correlation about the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the residents in the toxic gases leak accident毒气泄漏事故居民疏散心理行为特征相关性研究
4.electrical leakage resistance抗电气泄漏,漏电阻抗
5.A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna.非常有毒的气体泄漏并影响到了动植物。
6.Research on Accidental Consequence Analysis Model of Toxic Gas Leakage in Transportable Hazards流动危险源泄漏毒气事故后果分析模型研究
7.Research on Assistant Decision-Making Method in Emergency Rescue of Poison Gas Accidental Spill有毒气体泄漏应急救援辅助决策方法研究
9.At one point a cloud of deadly chlorine gas was released- the same substance used on First World War battlefields.一部分有毒的氯气泄漏,这种气体曾用于一战的战场。
10.Simulation of toxic gas dispersion based on GIS and real-time weather data基于GIS、实时气象信息的毒害性气体泄漏扩散模拟技术
11.Effects on Air Environment of Poison Ooze from Refine and Chemistry Project in Caofeidian Manufacturing District曹妃甸工业区炼化一体化项目毒物泄漏对大气环境的影响
12.Gas Leakage Test and Calculation of Hydrogen Leakage of 600MW Generators600MW发电机气体泄漏试验及漏氢量计算
13.Air leak between the turbocharger and the intake manifol透平增压器和进气歧管之间空气泄漏。
14.Deflated. Used of a tire.漏气的泄了气的。用于指轮胎
15.Cause analysis of SF_6 gas leakage in electrical equipment电气设备中SF_6气体泄漏的原因分析
16.Hermetic performance should be assured and leaking phenomena should not appear, especially for flammable and explosive gas medium, as well as poisonous and deleterious mediums.(4)保证密封性,不应有泄漏现象出现,尤其是易燃易爆气体介质和有毒有害介质。
17.The primary function of sealing gasket is to prevent gas from leakage.密封垫圈的主要作用是防止气体泄漏。
18.chlorine contain and absorb system防氯泄漏及氯气中和系统

toxic gas leaking毒气泄漏
1.The correct prediction of the hazardous area in toxic gas leaking accident can provide a good basis to establish a reasonable and effective emergency response program and to implement an effective emergency site control and handling activities.文章以平板模型为理论依据,以VB为工具,研究了毒气泄漏应急处置危险区域分析系统,确定毒气泄漏事故的危险区域。
3)Leakage of toxic gas tank毒气储罐泄漏
4)poison gas leakage and diffusion毒气泄漏与扩散
1.Analysis of parameters for numerical simulation of poison gas leakage and diffusion in destructive earthquake;地震次生毒气泄漏与扩散数值模拟的参数分析
2.In this paper, the numerical simulation and dynamic emulation of poison gas leakage and diffusion that possibly occur in the destructive earthquake are studied.文章对破坏性地震中可能发生的次生毒气泄漏与扩散灾害进行了数值模拟与动态仿真研究 ,设定了几种有实际意义的数值分析模型 ,分别进行了结构地震破坏、有毒有害气体泄漏、在一定泄漏和气象条件下的向周围空间扩散的动态仿真研究 ,给出了典型毒气扩散过程中可致人员死亡、严重危险和有感区域的范围的动态变化结果。
3.In this paper, the simulation of poison gas leakage and diffusion based on GIS(ArcView3.2)的毒气泄漏与扩散模拟的实现及扩散影响的评价。
5)toxic gas release有毒气体泄漏

毒气分子式:CAS号:性质:又称化学战剂(chemical warfare agent),军用毒剂(military chemical agent),旧称毒气(war gas)或毒瓦斯。军事行动中以毒害作用杀伤人畜的化学物质。是化学武器的基本组成部分,也是化学武器杀伤威力的决定因素。化学物质作为毒剂,必须具有特定的物理、化学性质,符合一定的要求即:毒性大,作用快,中毒途径多,性质稳定,便于贮存,能大量工业化生产,价格低廉,能分散成各种战斗状态,具有一定的持久度,可装填各种弹药或布洒器内使用,难侦、难防、难治、难消毒。毒剂经人或畜的呼吸道、皮肤、眼睛、口腔进入机体,与其重要生命物质如酶、受体、核酸等发生作用,破坏正常生理过程,引起功能紊乱,产生一系列中毒症状,甚至造成死亡。通常按毒理作用分为6类:神经性毒剂,糜烂性毒剂,全身中毒性毒剂,窒息性毒剂,失能性毒剂,刺激性毒剂;按作用效果可分为:致死性毒剂和非致死性毒剂;按作用持续时间分为暂时性毒剂(或非持久性毒剂);半持久性毒剂(或中等挥发度毒剂)和持久性毒剂;按中毒症状出现的快慢分为速效性(速杀性)毒剂和缓效性毒剂。