声誉激励,reputation incentive
1)reputation incentive声誉激励
1.In order to study the effect of relative performance evaluation on behavior of venture entrepreneur under reputation incentive mechanism of venture capital investment,the product function of venture firms was improved,and dynamic game models were constructed.为了研究声誉激励机制下的相对业绩比较(RPE)对风险企业家行为的影响,改进了风险企业产出函数,并构造博弈模型,分别对存在与不存在相对业绩比较两种情形展开讨论,给出了相对业绩比较促使风险企业家的努力程度得到帕累托改进的基本条件。
2.At last, reputation incentive coefficient is induced to original models.最后,拓展分析了声誉激励的效果,为寻求有效的供应链质量管理提供理论依据。

1.Reputation Incentive:New Thoughts about Chinese Independent Director Incentive Mechanism;声誉激励:我国独立董事激励机制的新思维
2.A Study on the Problem of Managers’ Reputation Incentive in State-owned Enterprises;国有企业经营者的声誉激励问题研究
3.The Institutional Analysis of Excessive Medical Care and Incentive Mechanisms Designed to Doctors;“过度医疗”的制度根源与医生声誉激励机制
4.The Reputation Incentive Mechanism of Venture Capital Investment under Relative Performance Evaluation;风险投资声誉激励机制下的相对业绩比较
5.The Choice of Managerial Behavior in State-owned Enterprises Under the Distorted Credit Incentive Mechanism;声誉激励机制扭曲下国企经理人的行为选择
6.The Reputation Incentive Mechanism of the Credit Risk in the Supply Chain under Permissible Delay in Payments延期支付条件下的供应链信用风险声誉激励机制
7.Restrained Effect of Reputation Incentive Mechanism on the Incentive to Fund Investment Supervisors;声誉激励机制对投资管理人的激励约束效应研究——从全国社会保障基金理事会的角度
8.Salary Incentive Mechanism of Venture Capital Based on Reputation Effect;声誉效应下的创业投资薪酬激励机制
9.Research of Managers Inspiriting Mode Based on Fame Model基于声誉模型的经理人激励方式研究
10.Research on Control Right Incentive Mechanism of Venture Capital Based on Reputation;考虑声誉效应的风险投资控制权激励机制
11.Performance Standards Difference, Reputation Heterogeneity and Design of Incentive Contracts;绩效标准差异、声誉异质性与激励契约设计
12.Incentive mechanism for knowledge-transferred venture capital based on reputation;考虑声誉的风险投资知识转移激励机制研究
13.A Study on the Dynamic Incentive Model of Chinese Managers Based on Reputation Theory;基于声誉理论的我国经理人动态激励模型研究
14.Economic analysis on the entrepreneur s reputation incentive constraints;企业家声誉机制激励约束的经济学分析
15.Study on Dynamic Incentive Mechanism of R&D Outsourcing Based on Reputation Theory基于声誉理论的研发外包动态激励机制研究
16.Research on the Incentive Effect of Prestige Mechanism on Investment Supervisors in NSIFC;声誉机制对我国社会保障基金投资管理人的激励效应
17.Incentive Effects of Long-term Compensation When Managers are Concerned about Reputation and Undertake Multiple Tasks经理声誉考虑、任务关联性和长期报酬激励的效果研究
18.Imperfect Incentive Wage Contract,Team Member's Mobility and Cooperation:A Perspective of Career Concern不完善激励工资契约、团队成员流动与互助合作:职业声誉关注的角度

reputation incentive mechanism声誉激励机制
1.Based on reputation theory and contract theory,a model of optimal dynamic incentive contract of independent directors is established,which is combined reputation incentive mechanism with explicit incentive mechanism,thus obtaining optimal conditions and ways to enhancing reputation incentive effect.为了解决独立董事激励与约束机制问题,基于声誉理论与契约理论,建立了一个关于独立董事的声誉激励机制与显性激励机制相结合的最优动态契约模型,得出了实现声誉有效激励的条件和提高声誉激励效应的途径,通过与没有引入声誉激励机制的契约模型的比较,验证了该模型的优越性。
2.This paper discusses the reputation incentive mechanism in the supply chain from the supplier’s point of view.针对供应链采用延期支付契约后由于付款时间和交货时间不同而产生的信用风险,从供应商的角度,分三种情况(零售商还款时间小于供应商所给予的延期支付期限、零售商的还款时间介于延期支付期限和供应商所能忍受的最大支付时间之间、零售商的还款时间大于供应商所能忍受的最大支付时间)进行讨论,研究了供应链信用风险的声誉激励机制。
3)honor incentive荣誉激励
1.Since ancient times the Chinese government has paid considerable attention to the importance of honor incentive for public service personnel.中国自古以来就重视对公职人员进行荣誉激励,为国家做出了贡献理应受到国家的表彰和社会尊重,但新中国倡导公职人员无私奉献全心全意为人民服务,在不断运用各种方式对公职人员进行荣誉激励的同时,却未对荣誉激励进行明确的定位。
4)stimulate a sense of honor激励荣誉感
5)acoustic exciation声激励(声)
6)ultrasonic irradiation超声激励
1.A round short tube membrane module with a dual-direction inflow and the ultrasonic irradiation technology is adopted to increase flux of air-gap membrane distillation of tap water and dilute saltwater.采用双向入流的圆形短管膜组件,并将超声激励技术用于膜蒸馏系统,以提高空气隙膜蒸馏通量。
2.Factors affecting the membrane flux were studied through the experiment made on a system of ultrasonic irradiation air-gap membrane distillation(AGMD).通过在超声激励气隙式膜蒸馏系统上进行实验,研究了膜蒸馏通量的影响因素,结果表明:超声激励会使膜通量显著增大,最大膜通量达到110kg/(m2·h);提高料液流量可增大膜通量;减小间隙、增大温差,膜通量增加;随着盐溶液浓度增大,膜通量减小。
