泡沫灭火剂,foam extinguishing agent
1)foam extinguishing agent泡沫灭火剂
1.When hydrolyzed protein was made into protein foam extinguishing agent, the properties of this product all reached the public safe standard of the People's Republic of China (GA 219 - 1999).0%(水解液含量),再过滤、浓缩成为30%的蛋白质液,经过适当配制可成为蛋白质泡沫灭火剂,经过武汉市科威消防材料厂进行灭火测试,结果表明,粘度、沉淀物、发泡倍数、90%火焰控制时间、灭火时间、抗烧时间等指标均达到中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准(GA2191999);将30%的蛋白质液喷雾干燥后,可制备成为食用蛋白质发泡剂。

1.The Trade of Fcam FIre Extinguishing Agent in China and WTO;中国入世与我国泡沫灭火剂行业的对策
2.A thick chemical froth, such as shaving cream or a substance used to fight fires.化学性泡沫一种如刮脸膏或灭火剂中的浓厚的化学泡沫
3.Experimental Study of High-performance Foam--a Separate Chemical Agent Carrier for Coal Spontaneous Combustion防灭火阻化剂的载体——高性能泡沫的实验研究
4.foam type (stored pressure) extinguisher泡沫(贮压式)灭火器
5.foam type (chemical) extinguisher泡沫(化学式)灭火器
6.combined dry chemical foam extinguishing system干粉泡沫联用灭火系统
7.dry powder continuous foam fire extinguisher连续式干粉泡沫灭火器
8.base injection foam extinguishing system液下喷射泡沫灭火系统
9.foam type (gas pressure) extinguisher泡沫(气压式)灭火器
10.high expansion foam-extinguishing system高膨胀泡沫灭火系统
11.foam-water sprinkler system泡沫-水喷洒灭火系统
12.low-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space机器处所的固定低膨胀泡沫灭火系统
13.deluge foam-water sprinkler system雨淋喷水-泡沫联用灭火系统
14.high-expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space机器处所的固定高膨胀泡沫灭火系统
15.film-forming fluoroprotein foam fire extinguisher成膜氟蛋白泡沫液灭火器
16.Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范
17.Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fire extinguishing systems高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范
18.hi-ex foam generator高膨胀泡沫发生器灭火装置

foam agent泡沫灭火剂
1.The influence of the fuel on the evaluation of fire extinguishing performance of the foam agent;燃料对泡沫灭火剂灭火性能评价的影响
2.The author has done some probing experiments on the suppression of vehicle-using ethanol gasoline fire by foam agent.作者就泡沫灭火剂扑救车用乙醇汽油火灾进行了探索性试验 ,得出了常规型泡沫不能扑灭此种燃料火灾的结论。
3)foam fire extinguishing agent泡沫灭火剂
1.The paper discusses the opportunity and challenge of the manufacturers of foam fire extinguishing agent after the entrance to WTO of China, and it suggests some countermeasures for the manufacturers from different aspects.文章论述了中国入世以后 ,泡沫灭火剂生产厂家面临的机遇与挑战 ,并提出了应对之策。
2.The authors have been engaged in the studying of the foam fire extinguishing agent and the drafting of the standard for many years.本文笔者通过多年从事泡沫灭火剂研究及标准制订工作的实践,提出了泡沫灭火剂标准制订应遵循的六项原则。
4)fire extinguishing agent of protein蛋白泡沫灭火剂
1.Present a new technology to produce fire extinguishing agent of protein foam with woolen fabric,and test the new agent.利用猪、鸡毛等原料生产蛋白泡沫灭火剂新工艺, 经多次试验、检测和比较, 中试主要结果为: 发泡73 ~82 倍, 灭火< 120 s , 抗烧> 12 min , 热稳定< 02 % , 符合国家规定标准, 且生产成本下降近20 % 。
5)aqueous film-forming fire fighter轻水泡沫灭火剂
6)air-foam system空气-泡沫灭火剂

泡沫灭火剂泡沫灭火剂  【泡沫灭火剂】由天然或合成的表面活性剂和其他特殊添加剂的水溶液组成,以浓缩液的形式贮存。它的使用方法是通过专用的泡沫灭火系统设备使泡沫灭火剂与水按规定的比例混合,再与空气或其他气体混合,形成由无数气泡组成的泡沫,最后以泡沫的形式灭火。泡沫灭火剂按生成泡沫的机制,可以分为机械泡沫灭火剂(或空气泡沫灭火剂)和化学泡沫灭火剂两类;按泡沫的发泡倍数可以分为低倍数、中倍数和高倍数泡沫灭火剂三类;按其用途,可分为普通型和抗溶性泡沫灭火剂。