社会规制,social regulation
1)social regulation社会规制
1.These new trade barriers arise from social regulation,which is formed by bringing national social regulations to international trade.这些新贸易壁垒起源于社会规则,是将国内社会规制拓展到国际贸易中,被称为社会规则国际化。
2.Since the studies of social regulations rose in the early 1970s ,the theory of public interests and the theory of regulation capture have been influencing the study of social regulations,and the approaches of cost-benefit analysis,public choice analysis and institutionalism analysis in politics have also been penetrating into the study of social regulations.当西方社会规制研究兴起于20世纪70年代初,除了规制经济学中的公益理论和规制捕获理论影响到社会规制研究外,经济学的成本效益分析、公共选择、政治学的制度主义都渗入到社会规制的研究中。
3.Aiming at these problems,this paper described defective drugs management system of Britain and the United States and did a systematic study on social regulation supervisor and the defective drugs management system in these two countries including defective drugs report coll接着在运用规制理论对我国缺陷药品管理现状以及存在的问题进行分析的基础上,结合对英美两国缺陷药品管理体系的系统研究,进一步从社会规制主体、以及缺陷药品报告、初期评估、调查、科学评价与处理、信息发布等缺陷药品管理体系要素进行了比较研究。

1.Analysis on International Social Regulation of Trade Protectionism;贸易保护主义的社会规制国际化分析
2.On the Value Orientation and System Arrangement about Chinese Government Social Regulations;论我国政府社会规制的价值取向及制度安排
3.Studies on Social Regulation Institution in the West Academe and Its Inspiration for China;西方社会规制制度研究及对我国的启示
4.Rules and regulations and laws and social conventions.规章制度,法律,社会惯例。
5.Social Welfare Work s Policy Should Be Ruled by Law;社会福利社会化政策的法律规制探讨
6.role of the law of value under socialist system社会主义制度下的价值规律的作用
7.The Regulation of Administrative Power, on the Perspective of Civil Society;市民社会视域下的行政权力规制研究
8.A Brief Study on the Protection and Regulation of the Autonomous Behavior;社会自治组织的司法保护与司法规制
9.On the Loss Social responsibilities of Privately-owned Enterprise and Its Regulation;论民营企业的社会责任缺失及其规制
10.The Legal Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility under Harmonious Context;和谐语境下企业社会责任的法律规制
11.Sociology of Music: A Fresh Look at Its Norms and Operating Mechanism;音乐社会学学科规训及操作机制新论
12.Standardizing the Socialist Market Economy by Democracy and Law(Ⅰ);以民主法制规范社会主义市场经济(上)
13.On anti-commercial bribery and the relaled countermeasures和谐社会建设中商业贿赂的法律规制
14.The social control is the process in which persons are made to abide by social norms and preserve social order.社会控制是指通过社会力量使人们遵守社会规范,维护社会秩序的过程。
15.Social Regulation System of American Private Education: Accreditation;美国私立教育质量的社会规范机制——认证制度
16.On the Regulation to Transportation Industry Under the Socialist Market Economy System;浅议社会主义市场经济体制下的交通规制
17.On Reformation of Economic Regulations in the Context of China s Building Harmonious Society;建设社会主义和谐社会与政府经济性规制改革研究
18.Food and drug quality structure should be paid attention to as social regulation.作为社会性规制中的政府对产品质量规制应被重视。

social regulations社会规制
3)social regulation社会性规制
1.An Analysis of Social Regulation Effect转型期政府社会性规制的绩效测度
2.By citing the regulation and deregulation process of british broadcast and television business, it argues, China should develop public enterprises-a new type of legal person under the guidance of law, thus deregulating in economy while reinforcing social regulation during the regulation process of broadcasting and.广播电视业的基础设施网络特性和传媒内容产品宣传品特性是其被规制的原因,本文以英国广播电视业的规制和放松规制过程为借鉴,说明依据我国的实际情况,对广播电视业进行规制时,应发挥法律的指导作用,发展公企业这种特殊法人的组织形式,在加强社会性规制的基础上放松经济性规制。
3.In the process of social regulation in a transfer society,information asymmetry among three parties,i.在转型期的社会性规制中,规制方、被规制方和规制行为的直接受益方等三方之间存在双重信息不对称,对社会性规制的有效性带来根本性的影响。
4)social standards mechanism社会规范机制
5)social regulation system社会性规制体系
1.Reconstruct food safety s social regulation system;重构食品安全的社会性规制体系
6)regime scale社会制度型规模

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决