危险品物流,dangerous goods logistics
1)dangerous goods logistics危险品物流
1.Based on summarizing the logistics management method for dangerous goods abroad,the paper analyzes the role of our government and logistics enterprises in dangerous goods logistics management and puts forward how to strengthen dangerous goods logistics management.通过对我国危险品物流的现状分析,指出了加强危险品物流管理的必要性,并阐述了加强危险品物流管理的意义。
2.This article aiming at the particularity of dangerous goods logistics,introduces RFID and the structure of dangerous goods logistics management system,then discusses the application of RFID on the area of dangerous goods logistics and the role of the government in practice.危险品的物流管理关系着社会稳定、人民生命财产安全,目前我国在这方面还处于起步阶段,因此对危险品物流管理的探讨具有一定的意义。
3.The rapid development of information industry,making the information network environment of dangerous goods logistics management possible.信息业的蓬勃发展,使得信息化网络环境的危险品物流管理成为可能。

1.The Applacation of Technology of RFID on Dangerous Goods Logistics Management;RFID技术在危险品物流管理中的应用
2.How to Develop Dangerous Articles Logistics Based on Element Analysis;基于要素分析的危险品物流发展对策分析
3.Application of HACCP to Security of Dangerous Goods Logistics;HACCP原理在危险品物流安全问题中的应用
4.Application of Preventive Method to Dangerous Goods Logistics Management;预防性方法在危险品物流管理中的应用
5.Discussion on Organization of Dangerous Goods Logistics Based on Dedicated Lanes基于专用通道的危险品物流组织方法探讨
6.Ant Colony Algorithm Based on the Logistics of the Dangerous Goods Route Optimization Applied Research基于蚁群算法的危险品物流线路优化应用研究
7.A research on safety management and accident emergency management of hazardous materials logistics危险品物流安全管理及事故应急管理研究
8.hazardous cargo危险货物, 危险品
9.Risk Management of the Dangerous Chemicals Logistics System Based on GIS Technology;基于GIS技术的危险化学品物流系统的风险管理
10.How to Study the Public Risk Control System of Dangerous Chemicals Logistics;危险化学品物流的公共风险管理体系研究方法
11.combustible goods [dangerous goods]可能燃烧物品〔危险品〕
12.carriage of dangerous goods危险品货物运输危险品运输
13.Taking about the Logistics of Chemical Transport of Dangerous Goods Status and the Development of Countermeasures;浅谈物流中化工危险品运输现状以及发展对策
14.Research on combined location-routing problems in integrated hazardous materials logistics systems;危险品集成物流管理系统选址—选线模型研究
15.Strengthen Management for Packing of Dangerous Goods in Transportation, for Improving Safety in Logistics加强危险品运输包装管理 提高物流运输安全
16.List of dangerous goodsGB12268-1990危险货物品名表
17.Do Supplements Pose a Danger?补养品也是危险物吗?
18.pest control dangerous goods store防治虫鼠危险物品仓

road dangerous goods logistics道路危险品物流
3)dangerous articles危险物品
1.The crime of causing an accident with dangerous articles is a sort of frequent crime, which was prescribed by Article 136 in Chinese current criminal law.危险物品肇事罪是我国刑法规定的一种常见多发的犯罪。
4)dangerous goods危险货物;危险品
5)logistics management of hazardous chemical products危险化学品物流管理
6)Lanes for the Dangerous Goods only危险品物流专用通道

《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》(GB13690—1992)《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》(GB13690—1992)Classification and Labels of Dangerous Chemical Substances Commonly Used  Cha飞齐以均W白ixian HuaxLJePin由Fenlei liB沁ozhi《常用危险化学品的分类及标志)(GB 136侧}一1992)(日山3彝以沁n and肠友七ofDa御弈rousO恤而厉15川她女切协“肠矛~晦之触J)化工产品大部分是有毒、易腐蚀、易燃、易爆的危险品。为了提高人们对危险品特性的认识,使危险化学品在包装、运输、贮存的各个流通领域中运作程序规范化、标准化,统一危险化学品的分类及标志,以加强危险化学品的科学管理,确保生命、财产的安全,制定了本标准。标准规定了常用危险化学品的分类、危险标志及危险特性。在标准的附录A中,把常用危险化学品分为爆炸品、压缩气体和液体气体、易嫩液体、易嫩固体、自嫩物品和遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂和有机过氧化物、有毒品、放射性物品和腐蚀品8类,并叙述了1 074种危险化学品的分子式、危险性类别、危险特性及标志。在附录B中,给出了爆炸品、易燃气体、不嫩气体、有毒气体、易燃液体、易嫩固体、自燃物品、遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂、有机过氧化物、有毒品、剧毒品、一级放射性物品、二级放射性物品、三级放射性物品和腐蚀品的主标志16种、副标志11种(副标志中不含有机过氧化物、剧毒品、一一三级放射性物品)。相关的标准有《危险货物包装标志》(CBI驯}一19男))、(危险货物分类和品名编号)( GB6华抖一1986)、(危险货物品名表》(GB 12入诏一19驯))、《危险货物运输包装通用技术条件》(GBI公拓3一19以))。.(李顺平)