最短路问题,shortest path problem
1)shortest path problem最短路问题
1.Closed circle DNA algorithm of shortest path problem;最短路问题的闭环DNA算法
2.In respect to the shortest path problem of the weighed direct graph,the iterative method of minimum algebra is established.对有向赋权图的最短路问题建立了极小代数下的迭代方法。

1.High-efficient Algorithm for Shortest Path Problem in DAG无回路网络中最短路问题的高效算法
2.Accelerated and optimized method of Floyd algorithm to find out shortest path最短路问题的Floyd加速算法与优化
3.Research on application of network-delaminating in shortest path problem网络分层用于最短路问题的算法研究
4.Research on Shortest Path Problem of Multi-stage Weighted Network with Quadratic Parameter;带二次参数赋权多阶段网络的最短路问题研究
5.Research on the Shortest Path of Material Transportation in Interval Time;物资调运时间为区间数的最短路问题研究
6.A Simple Chart Method to Find the Minimum Path;关于最短路问题的一个简明表格处理法
7.The parametric shortest path problem with its primal-dual algorithm;含参数的最短路问题及其原始—对偶算法
8.A Study and Implementation of Shortest Path Finding in GIS;GIS中最短路径问题的研究与实现
9.On the Shartest Path in Direction Diagram by Dud Weight;双权值最短路径问题的一种解决算法
10.Algorithm Program Development of Shortest Path Problem in Graph Theory;图论中最短路径问题算法程序的开发
11.The Solution of the Shortest Path Problem with Fuzzy Expectation Model;用模糊期望值模型求解最短路径问题
12.The Shortest Path Problems on Complex Dynamic and Stochastic Networks复杂动态随机网络最短路径问题研究
13.Research on the PAR Method Applying to Single-Source Shortest Paths用PAR方法解单源最短路径问题的研究
14.The Research on the Shortest Metabolic Pathway of KEGG;基于KEGG的代谢通路最短路径问题的研究
15.A Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing Problem一种求解最短路径路由问题的量子遗传算法
16.An algorithm of 3D shortest path and its application in road construction三维最短路径算法在山间修路问题中的应用
17.Finally, Chapter eleven covers the special topics of the maximal flow problem, the shortest path problem, and the multicommodity minimal cost flow problem.最后,第十一章覆盖了特殊主题:最大化流问题、短路径问题和多物最小消费流问题。
18.This paper presents a method of solving a shortest path problem by ant-algorithm.文章提出了一最短路径问题的蚂蚁求解算法。

the shortest path problem最短路问题
1.This paper gives an algorithm to solve the shortest path problem in a network with forbidden pathes in it.给出了求解含有禁止路线网络中的最短路问题的一个算法 。
2.The shortest simple chain method is a versatile algorithm for solving the shortest path problem on network graph.最短初等链法是求解网络图最短路问题的通用算法,它突破了以往诸算法的局限性,适用范围广,具有广阔应用前景。
3.Dijkstra s algorithm of solving the shortest path problem of weighted directed graph is still regarded as the best one.Dijkstra算法被公认为解决最短路问题的最好算法 ,但它的缺陷之一是不能解决存在负权的最短路问题
3)the shortest path最短路问题
1.It is the main objective of using Excel to provide "programming for resolution" to such topology network programming problems:Maximum flux problem,Minimum price flux problem,the shortest path and key path problem.用Excel提供的"规划求解"功能解决网络规划问题中的主要问题:最大流问题、最小代价流问题、最短路问题和网络计划关键路径问题。
2.The paper applied genetic algorithms to the shortest path with characteristic of multiple phase decision-making,and proves the feasibility of the algorithms with an example.本文应用遗传算法解决具有多阶段决策特点的最短路问题,对于较多顶点的此类最短路问题也有较好的应用。
4)the shortest circuit problem最短线路问题
1.Traditionally,Dijkstra method is generally used to solve the shortest circuit problem in circuit teaching.传统教学中一般使用Dijkstra方法解决最短线路问题。
5)shortest path problem最短路径问题
1.The shortest path problem in the stochastic traffic network is studied.主要研究随机路网中的最短路径问题,首先给出随机路网的定义,建立了随机路网的模型,假定路段的费用是满足正态分布的随机变量,并给出从历史数据中得到此变量的均值和方差的统计学方法;然后得出路径出行费用的均值及方差的递推公式,将费用的方差当作一个限制条件,从而在Dijkstra算法的基础上,提出了带单一限制条件的最短路径算法,同时给出了算法的具体流程;最后用一个简单例子演示了算法的具体步骤,并在南京路网中验证了此算法的实用性。
2.This paper is to study the shortest path problem with fuzzy parameter.本文研究具有模糊参数的最短路径问题。
6)shortest path improvement problem最短路改进问题
1.An approximation algorithm for solving shortest path improvement problem under Hamming distance;求解Hamming距离下的最短路改进问题的一个近似算法
