垮坝,dam failure
1)dam failure垮坝
1.Analysis and discussion of reasons for reservoir dam failure in Guangxi;广西水库垮坝失事原因分析探讨
2.Analysis on Dumen dam failure in Beiliu city and its reinforcement;北流市独门坝垮坝原因浅析及修复加固

1.Four major failure modes for high arch dams, namely destabilization dam lost stability failure, shearing-slipping failure, excess cracking and man-caused destruction, are presented by means of failure tree analysis.利用故障树分析法得出了高拱坝具有失稳溃坝、剪滑垮坝、超量开裂及毁坝等4种主要失效模式。
2.People's governments at all levels and the relevant administrative departments should strengthen the supervision and management of tailings dams and take measures to avoid the collapse of dams in floodwater.各级人民政府和有关主管部门应当加强对尾矿坝的监督管理,采取措施,避免因洪水导致垮坝
3.For reservoirs whose dams are likely to collapse, emergency measures for rush repair and schemes for temporarily evacuating residents should be worked out in advance.对可能出现垮坝的水库,应当事先制定应急抢险和居民临时撤离方案。
4.The dam broke and in result the land was flooded.大坝垮了,土地因此被淹。
5.The river was so high that the dam gave way.河水如此高,堤坝冲垮了。
6.The dam break and an impetuous torrent of water sweep away the town.堤坝崩塌了,奔腾的急流冲垮了镇子。
7.If the dam had collapsed the whole district would have Been flooded.要是水坝垮了的话,整个地区就会被淹没了。
8.The dyke was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea.建筑这座堤坝是为了保护公路不被海水冲垮。
9.The river rose and washed out the dam.The road has washed out five miles down the mountain.河水陡涨,冲垮了大坝。山下的路被冲坏的有五英里
10.Of breaking me down, you mean.你是说,让我垮掉。
11."The Fuehrer has broken down!"“元首已经垮了!”
12.The Baggy Yellow Shirt                松垮的黄衬衫
13.Babbitt was frightened by Ted's slackness.特德的松松垮垮叫巴比特担心。
14.Go to pieces变成碎片或身体垮掉,精神垮掉
15.When a big man's body started going, it fell apart quickly.个子高大的人,身体原是一垮就垮的。
16.If America goes down, the free world will go down, too.如果美国垮台了,自由世界也就垮台了。
17.Does baggy clothes irk your parents?穿松垮垮的衣服会不会让你父母讨厌?
18.He was dead beat after a day's work.一天工作下来,他累垮了。

3)chain dam collapsing连锁垮坝
1.The occurring odds of dam system destroyed by water can be forecasted according to its characteristic and innovation, especially chain dam collapsing.它的独特性和创新点 ,就是科学地预测了坝系水毁事件的发生机率 ,特别是连锁垮坝的发生机率。
4)the prosess of dam's breaking down垮坝过程
5)rapid dam collapse迅速垮坝
1.By analysing the authors realize that once the leaking channel along the discharge culvert pipe periphery connect with the termitarium and the termitic passage at its termination, a rapid dam collapse difficult to rescue will easily occur.茶村水库放水涵管边缘的漏水通道,与其尾部附近的白蚁巢道相通,造成难以抢救的迅速垮坝
6)The flood bursts the dyke.洪水冲垮了堤坝。
