教育活动,educational activities
1)educational activities教育活动
1.The educational activities based on philosophy for children in kindergarten should be open, true and have the spirit of dialogue to support children’s wisdom development and improve their understanding on the world and themselves.基于儿童哲学的教育活动应具有开放性、对话性与真实性,并应追求儿童思维发展与意义建构的双重目的,让幼儿的学习成为有意义的活动。
2.Creating excellent class culture needs to strengthen the quality of the head teacher,carry out various kinds of educational activities based on the characteristics of students,and combine all the efforts of schools,families and the society.创建优秀班级文化,要强化班主任的自身素质,根据学生特点开展多种教育活动,还要综合学校、家庭、社会的力量共同进行。
3.The results show that:(1) such educational activities could make effective influence on children s development in the self-confidence.结果表明:(1)主题教育活动能够有效地促进幼儿自信心的发展。

1.Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects人权教育活动资助计划
2.community participation scheme公民教育活动资助计划
3.Preventive Education Programme--Youth防止贪污教育活动──青年
4.environmental education campaigns;支持环保教育活动
5.A Brief Talk on Quality-Oriented Education in After-School Art Education Activities;浅谈校外美术教育活动中的素质教育
6.Programme Committee on Family Life Education家庭生活教育活动委员会
7.On the Practicality of Teaching Activities and the Development of Teacher Education教育活动的实践性质与教师教育的关注策略
8.educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum.不属于正常教学科目的教育活动
9.On the Case Teaching of "the Education Activities Design Course in Kindergartens";“幼儿园教育活动设计课”案例教学初探
10.Exploration and Analysis of “Unreasonable Teaching” in School Education;学校教育活动中的“蛮教”现象探析
11.On Mental Protection During the Process of Continuing-Education;继续教育活动中教师心理健康的维护
12.Take Subject Education as Platform to Improve Education for All-round Development;以主题教育活动为抓手 推进思想素质教育
13.He confined his activities in educational circles.他的活动限于教育界。
14.A Brief Commentary on the Educational Communication Activity of the Chinese Educational Reform Organization;中华教育改进社的教育交流活动论略
15.Discussion on the Proper Psychology Teaching in Physical Culture in Universities;体育教学活动中应贯穿心理健康教育
16.To promote Buddhist culture, education and activities.推动佛教文化教育与活动的发展。
17.On Individual Activity:the Life Vigor of Education Ecological Environment;个体活动:教育生态的生命活力所在
18.Research on the Role of Implicit Education of Sports Activities in Family Education体育活动在家庭教育中的隐性教育作用研究

educational activity教育活动
1.However, they show perversion and confusion in "language limit" and "logic limit", whose reason mainly lies in the complexity of educational activity.然而,它们在"语言界限"和"逻辑界限"上都表现出了颠倒与混乱,其主要原因在于教育活动的复杂性。
2.Ancient Greek sophists educational activity has a profound historical background.古希腊智者的教育活动有深刻的历史背景。
3.The educational activity has special nature and features, which determines that it plays an unsubstitutable part in the formation, development and dying process of a nationality.由于教育活动所特有的性质和特点,决定着教育活动在民族形成过程、民族发展过程和民族消亡过程中都发挥着不可取代的重要作用。
3)education activity教育活动
1.The education activity of keeping the advancedness of party members is a strong driving force of the development of higher vocational education.保持共产党员先进性教育活动,是强化高等职业教育的生机与活力,解决存在问题,推进高等职业教育发展的强大动力。
2.This thesis, based on the discussion of inter subject and inter subjectivity, expounds the essence of education activity is the communication practice between a person and a person, and points out the relationship between subjectivity and inter subjectivity and the characteristics of inter subjectivity in subjectivity education.本文通过对主体间和主体间性的讨论 ,揭示了主体性教育中教育活动实质是人和人的交往实践活动 ,同时指出教育活动中主体间性的特点及其与主体性的关
3.As the performance way of the ideology,the idea and political education express the ideology through the education activities,the ideal and political education is not the ideology itself,but an education activity.思想政治教育作为意识形态性的表现方式,通过育人活动表达意识形态,思想政治教育不是意识形态本身,而是一种教育活动
4)education activities教育活动
1.Considering education process as a system and analyzing profoundly the basic formula of its core, formation and development and education activities, this article mainly discusses the professional training for engineering teachers in Ukrainian higher education.把教育过程作为一个系统, 并对其核心、组成和发展的基本规则以及教育活动的核心作一个深度的理论分析。
5)activity education活动教育
1.This paper studies the multiple functions of activity education on college students as building social responsibilities, awakening role awareness, cultivating autonomy, developing practicality, enhancing creativity, and accumulating problem-tackling techniques, etc.文章探讨了大学活动教育在培养学生的社会责任感、角色社会化、自主性精神、实践性品格、创造能力、综合处理问题的能力等多方面的功能 ,以期引起高等教育界特别是思想政治教育界对于活动教育在大学教育体系中的地位和作用的重视。
2.Having the advantages such as two-way structure,vivid forms,comprehensive contents and multiple results,activity education can arouse the psychological reception mechanisms:sympathetic response ,turth identification and environment influence,and the subject participation motives:self-consciousness,sense of achievement,cooperation awareness,joyfulness ,interest,etc.活动教育寓于主体性教育之中,是主体性教育的一种有效手段或延伸。
6)activity area education活动区教育

教育活动- 教育活动有广义与狭义之分。教育本身就是一种活动。广义的教育活动泛指影响人的身心发展的各种教育活动,狭义的教育活动主要指学校教育活动。学校教育活动有各种差别。从形式看,有教学活动、课外活动、实践活动;从活动主体看,有管理者的活动、教师的活动、学生的活动,从内容上看,有课内外进行的德育、智育、体育、美育、劳动技术教育,发展个性特长等各种活动。- 教育活动,不论广义与狭义,其宗旨都是进行人的培养和训练。