制度过密化,institutional involution
1)institutional involution制度过密化
1.In this paper,the authors raise a new theoretical hypothesis called institutional involution.本文提出了"制度过密化"的理论假设,认为村民自治的发展瓶颈是村民自治在追求制度化过程中大量嵌入性制度供给超过实际的制度需求、出现制度过剩和内在冲突,导致制度边际效用递减的结果。
2.It provides a starting point for the system construction and avoidance the institutional involution.这为地方政府制度建构与制度过密化防范提供了切入点。

1.Institutional Involution:A Theoretical Hypothesis for Explanation of the Obstruction of the Villagers Self-governance;制度过密化:解释村民自治发展瓶颈的一种理论假设
2.The temperature of fuel pellets can be limited by linear power density restriction.通过限制线功率密度,可以限制燃料芯块的温度。
3.The Course from Inner to Outside on the System of Shu Mi shi during the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty;内廷化与外朝化:唐宋枢密使制度述略
4.Discussion on improving sampling precision by strengthening management of sampling,preparation and testing加强采制化管理 提高采样精密度
5.40 kW digital control capacitor charging power supply40kW高功率密度数字化控制充电电源
6.In view of the fact that the density of existing domestic medium density fiberboard is relatively high, a study on preparing UL-MDF by increasing resin contem was made.针对中密度纤维板存在密度偏高的问题,通过提高施胶量,降低了制品密度。
7.Abstract: In view of the fact that the density of existing domestic medium density fiberboard is relatively high, a study on preparing UL-MDF by increasing resin contem was made.文摘:针对中密度纤维板存在密度偏高的问题,通过提高施胶量,降低了制品密度。
8.Research on the Preparation and Microstructure Evolution of Low-Density Aluminum Base Alloys低密度复合铝合金制备及组织演变过程研究
9.Variation of Thickness and Density of Metal-Grinding Disks before and after Hardening浅析烤制前后金属磨片厚度和密度的变化
10.Study on the Isomerization Mechanism of ONOOH by DFT过亚硝酸异构化反应机理的密度泛函理论研究
11.DFT Study on Mechanism of Transition Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Reaction过渡金属催化不对称反应机理的密度泛函研究
12.Methods for correcting geochemical oil saturation with sealing core drilling data.通过密闭取心资料校正地化含油饱和度的方法
13.A Study on Optimal Density of Masson Pine Pulp Plantation with Markov Theory用马尔柯夫过程理论进行马尾松优化密度探讨
14.Experimental Study on Relationship between Sediment Subsidence and Changing Bulk Density泥沙沉降过程与密度变化关系实验研究
15.Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated, over industrialized planet.污染就是我们为这个人口过密,过度工业化的星球所付出的代价。
16.Inhibition of salvianolate on LDL oxidation丹参多酚酸盐抑制低密度脂蛋白氧化修饰
17.Size Control for CeO _2 Polishing Powders by Accurate Classification氧化铈抛光粉精密分级控制粒度的研究
18.Technical Study of Preparing High Density Nickel Hydroxide in Batteries;电池用高密度氢氧化镍的制备工艺研究

involutional operation of institution制度过密化经营
3)transpassivation current density过钝化电流密度
4)transition density过渡密度
5)excess density过量密度
6)the process of the political institutionalization政治制度化过程

过氧化物岐化酶CAS: 9054-89-1 中文名称: 过氧化物岐化酶 英文名称: Dismutase, superoxide;cu、zn-superoxide dismutase;superoxide dismutase;Dismutase,superoxide