财产损失,property loss
1)property loss财产损失
1.Analysis of Prescribing Property Loss and Casualty Appositionally or Respectively in Criminal Law:Advantages and Disadvantages;刑法中财产损失与人员伤亡后果并列与分别规定之利弊分析
2.The direct and indirect property loss of pool fire is analyzed.结合热辐射伤害的破坏准则,对死亡、重伤、轻伤的范围进行了量化研究,进一步分析了池火灾所造成的直接财产损失和间接的财产损失,并给出了相应的计算模型。
3.A large amount of data on the total amount of fires,the life loss and direct property loss reflect the fire status of the recent 20 years.从分析 2 0 0 2年我国火灾形势着手 ,联系近 2 0年我国火灾形势发展过程中的火灾起数、火灾中人员死亡和直接财产损失等大量数据 ,结合一些工业发达国家在其经济上升期的火灾态势的变化特点进行分析 ,提出了要从火灾发生、发展具有双重特性的观点来看待我国在经济上升期的若干年内将出现火灾多发、上升的趋势 ;提出在这一时期特别要加大消防基础建设的投入 ,特别要加强消防重点单位的防范 ,减少群死群伤重大恶性火灾事故发生 ,以及坚持全民消防科普教育及改革火灾统计及分析方法的建议。

1.the retrieval of the company's fortunes该公司之挽回财产损失
2.Sudden loss of fortune came as a blight to his hopes of going abroad.突然的财产损失摧残了他出国的希望。
3.These included two reports of minor burns and reports of minor property damage.这两个报告轻微烧伤,轻微财产损失
4.The flooding also resulted in thousands of millions of dollars in property damage.洪水还造成了上百亿美元的财产损失
5.There is no responsibility on the company 's part for loss of customer's property .公司方面对客户财产损失不负责任。
6.There is no responsibility on the company 's part for loss of customer ' property .公司一方对顾客财产损失没有责任。
7.(ii) excluding one party's liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence.(二)因故意或者重大过失造成对方财产损失的。
8.It is widely recognized that drug-abuse will cause a huge loss of both life and wealth.谁都知道,吸毒会造成巨大的生命和财产损失
9.Covers legal expense and compensation as a result of accidental injury or damage to property of the third party.赔偿因以外事故导致他人身体伤害或财产损失
10.loss on property retired财产报废损失;财产退废损失;资产废置损失
11.His dissipation cost him his fortune.他的挥霍浪费使他损失了全部财产。
12.He lost all his possessions in the fire.他在火灾中损失了所有的财产.
13.someone who willfully destroys or defaces property.蓄意破坏或使人损失财产的人。
14.Yes to the PHYSICAL DAMAGE to personal property.是的,对于有形损失到个人财产。
15.Loss arising from transfer of property财产、厂房和设备转让给联号的损失
16.The storm caused considerable damages to personal properties .暴雨给私人财产造成相当大的损失。
17.The Research of Financial Distress Restructuring Under Asset Liquidity Loss;资产流动性损失下财务危机重组研究
18.The Systems Analysis of Constructing the Model of Distribution of Loss Resulting from Property Insurance;财产险个体损失分布建模的系统分析

Property damage财产损失
1.This thesis makes an analysis on the irrationality of the state compensation principles,and also points out that the reasonable compensation scope should not only include direct property damage but also indirect property damage and mental injury,even state punishment.围绕国家赔偿原则的不合理性进行分析,并提出合理的赔偿范围不仅应包括直接财产损失,还应包括间接财产损失和精神损害,甚至对国家的惩罚。
3)nuclear material damage insurance财产损失险
1.The principals of nuclear material damage insurance including,the risk unit of nuclear power station,determination of theoretical rates and determination of real premium rates.核电站财产损失险定价的原理包括:核电站危险单位的划分,核电站财产损失险理论费率的确定,核电站财产损失险实际费率的确定。
4)direct property damage直接财产损失
1.Risk analysis on direct property damage for 1 356 major fire incidents in towns from 2000 to 2005 is carried out based on association rules analysis with respect to time, place and cause by SPSS Clementine 8.运用数据挖掘技术和工具,对2000-2005年全国1356起城镇重特大火灾直接财产损失风险与火灾发生的时间、场所和原因之间的关联性进行了分析。
5)property loss evaluation财产损失评估
1.RBF neutral network-based model of property loss evaluation;基于RBF神经网络的财产损失评估模型
6)direct property losses财产直接损失
