汽车槽车,tank car
1)tank car汽车槽车
1.The study and research into the problems with liquid-oil-gas-carrying tank cars by using nitrogen replaceable equipment;处置液化石油气汽车槽车事故的氮气置换装置研究
2.By using of Fault- Tree analysis method (FTA), a flash fire accident during filling of the tank car was analyzed technically.利用故障树分析(FTA)对汽车槽车装车过程中引起的闪燃着火事件进行了分析,针对中转油站存在的安全隐患提出整改措施。

1.Discussion on the Structure of Wave Preventer for LPG Tank Car液化石油气汽车槽车防波板结构探讨
2.Transported using special truck or ship when it is in liquid form.液态时,以专用汽车槽车或专用轮船运输。
3.The study and research into the problems with liquid-oil-gas-carrying tank cars by using nitrogen replaceable equipment;处置液化石油气汽车槽车事故的氮气置换装置研究
4.A small dent or nick, as in the body of a car.小齿,槽口小齿或槽口,如在汽车车体中
5.And Shenzhen and Beihai terminals are equipped with railway and tank cars.各库均配置汽车专用糟车,其中深圳库及北海库接有火车专用线,配有专用火车槽车。
6.While Karen was speaking, Josie lifted down two lengths of steel channel from the van's interior.凯伦说话的时候,乔西从汽车内部取下两根钢槽。
7.Development of Numerical Control System for Machining of Pockets in Automobile Synchronization Regulators Sleeve;汽车同步器齿套滑块槽加工机床数控系统开发
8.The Development of Image Acquisition System of Inner Groovy of Brake Shaft;汽车制动钳内凹槽表面粘贴异物的检测
9.paint, repair, damage the bodywork of a car给汽车车身喷漆、 修理汽车车身、 损坏汽车车身.
10.A motor vehicle, especially an automobile.机车机动车,尤指汽车
11.A car factory is one which makes cars .汽车是制造汽车的工厂。
12.A car factory is one which makes car .汽车制造汽车的工厂。
13.a bustaxi ] fare公共汽车出租汽车]费
14.To provide with automobiles.使汽车化用汽车装备
15."Motor vehicles are cars, buses, motor bikes, etc."机动车辆即汽车、公共汽车、摩托车等。
16.The fuel tank thus occupies some of the space that was previously available for passengers and their luggage in the standard sedan.燃料槽从而占据了一些以前在标准汽车中用于乘客和行李的空间。
17.The Experimental Research on the Fly Cutting for the Gear Sleeve of Automotive Synchronizer;汽车同步器齿套滑块槽飞刀加工的切削试验研究
18.top filling of tank car铁路油槽车顶部装油

tank truck汽车油槽车
3)tank body truck油槽汽车
4)gasoline tanker汽油槽车
5)tank truck trailer油槽汽车拖车
6)truck-loading rack汽车槽车装油台

军用汽车储备里程(见军用汽车使用管理)军用汽车储备里程(见军用汽车使用管理)initial drive of military motors lunyong qiche ehubei lieheng军用汽车储备里程(mileage reserVe Ofmi一itary motors)见军用汽车使用管理。