联合执法,joint law enforcement
1)joint law enforcement联合执法
1.As there exist the responsibility overlapping problems in the expressway management between the road administration and the public security traffic police,the necessity and the feasibility for joint law enforcement of the police and road administration is analyzed with the theory of management resources integrgtion.为有效解决公路路政、公安交警在高速公路管理中职责相互交叉的问题,运用管理资源整合理论分析了警路联合执法的必要性与可行性,并提出了警路联合执法模式的构建:遵循资源共享、信息互通、人员联动、优势互补的原则,实现一个声音调度、一个窗口办案、一张表格审批、一套制度体系、一流形象执法、一条道路畅通,进而以警路联合指挥中心建设、联防机制建设为突破口开创警路联合执法、共建文明平安大道的新局面。
2.Based on these problems, this paper puts forward solutions to joint law enforcement and the establishment of permanent system of fire management.阐述了当前消防联合执法的形式、作用和背景,深入分析了消防联合执法工作中存在的执法主体职责不明确、执法依据不准确、执法程序不合法、执法协调工作不到位等问题和不足,并从依法治理和长效管理的角度提出了明确执法权限、落实执法责任、严格按照法定程序开展消防联合执法活动、积极探索长效管理机制等进一步改进和完善消防联合执法的思路和措施。

1.The Problems Existing in Joint Enforcement of Fire Laws and Solutions;消防联合执法工作中存在的问题及对策
2.Discussion on the principle of punishment once on the same case in the united execution of law;联合执法中一事不再罚原则的适用思考
3.Law enforcement team for the two reservoirs will be set up to carry out unified supervision and management.在密云、怀柔分别成立水库联合执法队伍,对水库实施统一监督管理。
4.The regulations regarding vehicle scrapping and testing will be tightened. EP Marks will be issued to qualified motor vehicles and joint law enforcement by EP agencies and traffic control departments will be strengthened.严格执行车辆报废制度和检测制度,实行环保标志管理,加强环保与交通管理部门联合执法力度;
5.United Nations Drug Law Enforcement Training Manual: A Guide for Law Enforcement Officials联合国禁毒执法培训手册:执法官员指南
6.United Nations East Pakistan Relief Operation联合国禁毒执法训练手册:执法官员指南
7.Joint Peace-keeping and Law Enforcement Forces联合维持和平和执法部队(维和执法部队)
8.Executive Secretary of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal联合国行政法庭执行秘书
9.International Expert Meeting on the United Nations and Law Enforcement联合国与执法问题国际专家会议
10.The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党
11.Advisory Meeting of Experts on the Review of the United Nations Drug Law Enforcement Training Manual审查联合国禁毒执法训练手册的专家咨询会议
12.Trust Fund for Special Aspects of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea执行联合国海洋法公约特别方面信托基金
13.work with local law enforcement to limit collateral damage.就会联合当地执法部门 把损失减到最小
14.Practice of building joint investigation system of water administration;水行政执法联合巡查机制的实践及探讨
15.Joint Implementation Committee on Human Rights人权联合执行委员会
16.Joint Implementation Committee on Elections选举联合执行委员会
17.Executive Coordinator for United Nations Reform联合国改革执行协调员
18.Friends of the United Nations Executive联合国之友社执行部

cross-agency collabration行政联合执法
1.However,owing to the realistic concern about the abuse of this power,it is urgent for us to use laws to regulate police′s participation in cross-agency collabration.在落实依法治国和依法行政原则的宏观背景下,鉴于公安机关具有处理紧急危害和行使强制力的能力,迫于警察权滥用的现实考虑,以法律制度规范公安机关参与行政联合执法活动显得极为迫切。
3)Associated Law Enforcement on Environment环境联合执法
1.Associated Law Enforcement on Environment mode is a mechanism innovation of prevention and settlement on cross-district environmental disputes.环境联合执法机制是对现有预防和处理跨行政区域环境污染纠纷方式的创新。
4)mechanism for joint law enforcement in tourism旅游联合执法机制
5)comprehensive law enforcement综合执法
1.The effective measure to approach these problems is to set up a comprehensive law enforcement agency responsible for the administration of the cultural market.破解上述问题的有效途径是,在正确处理局部利益与全局利益、职能分工与宗旨统一、坚持原则与遵守法规等关系的基础上,成立文化市场综合执法机构,构建起行为规范、运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效的文化市场综合执法体制。
2.This thesis takes comprehensive law enforcement system of water administration of Shi Yang River Basin in Gansu Province as researching objective, and makes a scientific definition on comprehensive law enforcement system of water administration.本文以甘肃省石羊河流域水行政综合执法问题为研究对象,对水行政综合执法的概念作出了一个比较科学的界定,并在此基础上结合甘肃省石羊河流域的实际情况及国外成功的流域管理经验,分析了石羊河流域建设水行政综合执法制度的必要性和障碍,并着重在优化流域水行政综合执法环境及优化水权分配方案等方面提出了一些对策。
6)comprehensive enforcement综合执法
1.With the rapid development of market economy system, the admission to the WTO, the reformation of national organizations and transformation of governmental functions, the paper, based on studies on international and domestic practices, conducts a preliminary research on the necessity of comprehensive enforcement of traffic administration, and points it out as a general trend for development.在一定调研的基础上对我国步入市场经济时期、加入WTO、国家机构改革和政府职能转换等背景下的公路、水路是否应实施交通行政综合执法的必要性进行了初步探讨 ,并指出交通行政综合执法是大势所趋。

香港联合交易所加入国际交易所联合会香港联合交易所加入国际交易所联合会  [香港联合交易所加入国际交易所联合会]1986年9月,香港联合交易所于近期内获得国际交易所联合会正式批准加人成为其会员。加人国际交易所联合会后,香港联合交易所成为一家受国际认可的交易所,外国银行亦会接受在香港上市的股票作为借贷抵押品,使香港股票成为一种国际有价证券。