车务,train operation
1)train operation车务
1.The characteristic and tendency of the train injury accidnet caused by shunting operation and the weak link of its safety will be analyzed in this article,based on the statistics data of the vehicles injury accidnet of the shunting operator in the train operation system from 2008 to June of 2009.根据2008年至2009年6月全路车务系统调车作业人员车辆伤害事故统计数据,对调车作业造成的车辆伤害事故特点、倾向性问题和安全薄弱环节进行分析,针对存在的问题提出对策和建议。

1.operational staff [Mass Transit Railway]车务员工〔地下铁路〕
2.Operations Control Centre [Mass Transit Railway]车务控制中心〔地下铁路〕
3.rationalization programme [bus]车务重整计划〔巴士〕
4.hobo limited[美俚]车务员宽待游民的火车
5.the mail van, service, train邮政汽车、 服务、 列车
6.We are mostly in supply of group transporting, business transporting, conference transporting, movement transporting, travel transport, airport transport and employee transporting.公司的服务范围为:团体包车、务包车、议租车、动租车、游租车、场接送租车、工接送租车。
7.Motor Vehicle Examination Unit [Hong Kong Police Force]车辆检验组〔香港警务处〕
8.Government Transport Services Officers Association政府车辆事务主任协会
9.uncommitted apparatus未委派任务的消防车
10.coach, railway, hospital, not self-propelled非自动推进铁道医务车
11.There is a good service of trains.火车客运业务良好。
12.Ambulance Services Review Steering Group救护车服务策划小组
13."Automobile Assistance Service Co., Ltd."汽车救援服务有限公司
14.(b) extending loans for auto purchase.(二)提供购车贷款业务。
15.extending loans for auto purchase;提供购车贷款业务。
16.PESO (Plant Engineering Shop Order)工厂机加工车间任务单
17.We will better service the society with quality service, safe driving, civilized treatment and reasonable charge.优质服务、全行车、明待车、理收费来服务于社会。
18.attendant( in a sleeping-car or parlour-car on a train)(铁路之卧车或特等客车上的)服务员.

train operation work车务作业
3)automobile service汽车服务
1.The Research of Value Measurement and Design for Customer Demand in the Automobile Service Process;汽车服务流程中的客户需求设计及其价值计量研究
2.With the development of automobile industry and fast enlargement of market scale, Automobile service has been growing fast To great extent, it has met the demand for the fashionable culture consumer that brought to development of automobile industry.伴随着汽车产业和市场规模的快速扩大,汽车服务业也在快速发展,很大程度上满足了汽车产业发展给消费者带来的汽车时尚文化的需求,为广大消费者提供了一种方便、快捷、全面、周到的服务系统平台,因此,汽车服务市场成为汽车产业一个新的经济增长点。
4)train operation depot车务段
1.Development of Management Information System for office on duty of train operation depot;车务段值班室管理信息系统的开发
2.Based on the consideration of factors related tothe suitable management scale of train operation depot, the paper suggests aproper quantity of stations under its management scale.对全路车务段的管辖范围等情况进行了统计分析,指出目前车务段存在着设置数量多、管辖范围小和管理人员多等问题。
5)Automotive service汽车服务
1.A huge market of automotive service is developing in China.在新增的汽车中,私人购车的比例已经占到60%以上,一个巨大的汽车服务业市场正在中国形成。
6)auto service汽车服务
1.Discusses the model and structure of an auto service information system using the system engineering and engineering economy theory and method,studies the detailed analysis design for the system and develops a practical information system.运用系统工程与工程经济学的理论与方法 ,结合信息系统开发项目的实践 ,对汽车服务业信息系统进行了详细的系统分析和优化设计 ,给出了系统的模型与结构 ,开发了一个实用的汽车服务业信息系统。

坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)坦克维修工程车(见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车)tank maintenance %26 repair vehicle 一““、、’v‘丈人1以gUflgCnengChe坦克维修工程车(:artk Inaintenane。%26repair vehicle)装有坦克维修设备、仪器、工具的技术保障车辆。见坦克保养工程车、坦克修理工程车。