事故灾难,accident disaster
1)accident disaster事故灾难
1.It is of great importance to establish the emergency system against accident disaster for coal corporations,which should cover three aspects: the duties of the headship,the equipment for emergency,and the plan for disaster treatment.煤矿企业事故灾难应急机制的建立具有非常重要和迫切的意义。
2.It is important to construct the scientific, systemic and highly efficient emergency management system of accident disaster, which can improve emergency management, effectively reduce and get rid of the disadvantageous situation, and ensure safety work.构建科学、系统、高效的事故灾难应急管理系统对提高应急管理水平,有效地降低和摆脱由事故灾难带来的不利局面,保障安全生产具有十分重要的意义。

1.Techniques of Drawing up the Emergency Rescue Preplans for Drilling Accidents钻井事故灾难应急救援预案编制技术
2.Study on Emergency Response Systems for Accident of Urban Drainage Systems in Chongqing重庆主城排水系统突发事故灾难应急体系研究
3.a death resulting from an accident or a disaster.有交通事故或灾难引起的死亡。
4.a close call ;almost an accident,a disaster or a failure几乎造成事故、灾难或失败
5.(of a disaster,an accident,etc)cause the loss or death of(sb)(指灾难、事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡
6.Spindler hypothesized an elaborate disaster theory.席宾德勒精心编织了一个灾难故事。
7.Considerations for the fire troops to deal with disastrous accidents;公安消防部队处置灾难性事故若干问题的思考
8.The Eight Difficulties in Dealing with Fire Accidents on a Highway高速公路灾害事故处置难点及其应对措施
9.The disaster accident simulation system based on VR technology基于虚拟现实技术的灾难事故仿真系统
10.After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized."灾难性的倒塌事故发生后,尸体被压得血肉模糊,难以辨认。"
11.In general, a literary work in which the protagonist meets an unhappy or disastrous end.悲剧:以主人公可悲的或灾难性的结局结束的故事。
12.The disregard of ethical rules will prove more disastrous than a car accident.而不遵守伦理规则,则比车祸事故更具有灾难性的后果。
13.Swindlers can also, by taking advantage of natural calamities such as storm and submerged reefs, forge and reported sea accidents.诈骗分子也可能利用风暴、暗礁等自然灾害,伪造和谎报海难事故。
14.Follow up on the fire跟踪报道这起火灾事故
15.UFIRS=Uniform Fire Incident Reporting System统一火灾事故报告系统
16.Office for Assistance to Refugees and Victims of Disaster协助难民灾民办事处
17.bluff one's way out of trouble藉欺骗 [故弄玄虚] 而逃过灾难
18.In recent months, the Chinese and foreign press have become increasingly aware of the fatal accidents occurring in China' s mines.最近几个月,中国和外方的媒体对中国矿井发生的灾难性事故给予了越来越多的关注。

mass casualty and disaster events灾难事故
1.The role dental profession can play in mass casualty and disaster events;口腔医学专业在灾难事故中的工作和目标
3)disastrous accident灾难性事故
1.Considerations for the fire troops to deal with disastrous accidents;公安消防部队处置灾难性事故若干问题的思考
5)sudden accidents and disasters突发事故灾难

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