环境应急,Environmental emergency
1)Environmental emergency环境应急
1.Drill of prepared scheme for environmental emergency is an important measure to improve the ability to cope with environmental emergency,and a fundamental part of emergency response system.环境应急预案的模拟演练,是加强突发性环境污染事故的应对工作和应急预案体系建设的重要举措,可以检验环境应急部门应对突发性环境污染事故的能力,检验城市各相关部门和各单位之间的协同作战能力,保证环境应急预案的科学、高效、有序和针对性地实施。

1.Environmental Emergency Administration:Mission,Circumstances and Reform;环境应急管理机构:使命、境遇及改革
2.On Perfection of Government s Environmental Accountability;论突发环境事件中的政府环境应急责任
3.Discussion on GIS Application in Environment Emergency Management;论地理信息系统(GIS)在环境应急管理中的应用
4.How to exert environmental emergency monitoring of environmental pollution accidents in the unexpected role如何发挥环境应急监测在突发环境污染事故中的作用
5.The Research on the Environment Emergency Management System of Chemical in Anhui Province;安徽省化工行业环境应急管理体系建设研究
6.The Research on Emergency Mechanism about Law Issues of Abrupt Environment Affairs;突发环境事件应急机制法律问题研究
7.Fundamental Category on Emergency Mechanism of Abrupt Environment Affairs;论突发环境事件应急机制的基本范畴
8.Study on the Environmental Pollution Emergency Disposal Expert System环境污染事故应急处理专家系统研究
9.Environmental Emergencies in Our Country the Ruie of Law Study of the Emergency Response Mechanism我国突发环境事件应急机制法治研究
10.The Construction of Emergency Linkage System for Environmental Emergencies突发性环境事件应急联动系统的构建
11.To Study on Benefits Sharing Contracts of Three-stages Supply Chain under Emergent Conditions应急环境下三级供应链利益共享契约研究
12.Design and Application of Emergency Dealing and Response of Sudden Environment Pollution Accident System突发性环境污染事故应急处理系统设计与应用
13.Environmental Scarcity,Social Adaptation and Acute Conflicts:Synthesis of Homer-Dixon s Research on Environmental Security;环境匮乏、社会适应性和紧急冲突:霍马—迪克逊环境安全研究述评
14.Environmental Risk Assessment and Emergency Monitoring of the Emergent Environmental Pollution Accident突发性环境污染事故的环境风险评价与应急监测
15."Chernobyl Shadow" and Structureing Local Psychological Environment of Nuclear Accident Emergency System“切尔诺贝利阴影”与地方核应急心理环境的构建
16.Formulate emergency schemes to reduce the environmental risk to the minimum.制定应急计划,将环境风险降到最低限度。
17.Study of Emergency Monitoring Plan of Sudden Environmental Pollution Accident;突发性环境污染事故应急监测预案的研究
18.Study on Information Platform of Emergency Pollution Accident Response;突发性环境事件应急处置信息平台研究

environmental emergency management环境应急管理
3)environmental emergency monitoring环境应急监测
1.This paper analyzes some problems existing in Shanxi\'s environmental emergency monitoring of the natural background, present environmental pollution, technical equipment, and personnel quality, etc.剖析了山西省环境应急监测在自然背景、环境污染现状、技术装备、人员素质等方面存在的问题,提出了强化环境应急监测的对策建议。
4)Environmental emergency response mechanism环境应急机制
5)Environmental Emergency System环境应急系统
1.Research and Implement of Air Pollution Model in the Environmental Emergency System;大气污染扩散模型的研究及在环境应急系统中的实现
6)Environmental contingency planning环境应急计划

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。