事故指数,accident index
1)accident index事故指数
1.Calculation methods of accident index,safety management index and security index,etc were created.文章从判断企业安全生产状况的几个单项指标入手,建立事故指数、安全管理指数和安全指数等安全指标的计算方法,通过综合指标的判定以弥补单一指标判定的不足。
2.This paper introduces comprehensive index calculation method of accident index,safety management index and safety index from several item indexes which are used to judge the enterprises\' safety condition.介绍了从判断企业安全生产状况的几个单项指标入手,建立事故指数、安全管理指数和安全指数等安全指标的综合指标计算方法,通过综合指标的判定以弥补单一指标判定的不足。
2)accident reality ammunition index number事故实发指数
3)accident-exposure index method事故苗子指数法
4)accident index事故指标

1.Research on Index System of the Traffic Accident in the Expressway Tunnel Group高速公路隧道群交通事故指标体系及方法研究
2.emergency position-indicating radio beacons事故位置指示无线电信标
3.emergency position -indicating radio beacon【航海】指示事故位置的无线电信标
4.Study for Evaluating Indicator of Student's Injury in School;学生校园意外事故风险评价指标研究
5.A primary demonstrative study on the factors of major accidents and index systems for evaluation重特大事故危险因素及指标体系实证研究
6.Ascertaining of Risk Assessment Index Based on Fault Tree Analysis Method基于事故树分析法的风险评价指标的确定
7.Impact Determination on the Various Indicators of the Losses Caused by Water Pollution Accidents水污染事故损失中各指标影响程度的确定
8.An accident, especially one involving serious injury or loss of life.事故事故,尤指带有严重伤害或生命损失的事故
9.Study of Fuzzy Performance Index Method for Transient Stability Contingency Screening of Power Systems;电力系统暂态稳定事故扫描的模糊性能指标方法研究
10.The Economic Costs Assessment Indicators and Measurement Methods of Road Traffic Accident道路交通事故经济损失评估指标体系及其测算方法研究
11.Study on the Early Warning Index System of Water Pollution Accidents for the Three Gorges Reservoir in Chongqing重庆三峡库区水环境污染事故预警指标体系研究
12.Study on the Early-Warning Index Screening and Index System Construction for Sudden Water Pollution Accidents突发性水污染事故预警指标筛选及体系构建研究
13.Study of Index System on Damage Assessment of Spilling Oil Accident for the Natural Fishery Resources溢油事故对天然渔业资源损害评估指标体系研究
14.An integrated performance index method of contingency screening in on-line dynamic security assessment一种在线动态安全分析事故扫描的综合性能指标法
15.Establish Assessing Index System for the Emergency Rescue of Serious Disasters and Accidents in the Coal Mining Enterprises煤矿重大灾害事故应急能力评估指标体系的构建
16.Others point to an increase in fatal accidents and fires at PDVSA's refineries as proof that its workers are no longer up to snuff.其他人也指出PDVSA的精炼厂的重大事故和火灾的增加也证明了它的员工不再是符合标准的了。
17.Performance indicators shall include delivery schedule performance (including incidents of premium freight), and? customer notifications related to quality or delivery issues.性能指标应包括交付计划的运行情况(包括超额运费的事故)、顾客有关质量或交付问题的通知。
18.The Research on the Evaluation Index System of Celebrities Former Residences Tourism Resources;名人故居旅游资源评价指标体系研究

accident reality ammunition index number事故实发指数
3)accident-exposure index method事故苗子指数法
4)accident index事故指标
5)safety incident equivalent index安全事故当量指数
6)incident harm equivalent index事故危害当量指数

迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数 迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。 EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则: }艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i) 迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1 、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。 迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。