坚实基础,solid foundation
1)solid foundation坚实基础

1.a well-grounded theory有坚实基础的理论.
2.arguments that have a firm basis,ie that are founded on facts有坚实基础(有事实根据)的论据
3.Solid background in the IT field信息技术领域的坚实基础
4.We have to lie a solid foundation for industry.我们不得不为工业打下一个坚实基础
5.Creating Productive Training Base to Build a Solid Foundation for the Integrated Working-while-learning Personnel-training Model;创建生产性实训基地 打造工学结合的坚实基础
6.Fair education is the strong basis of harmonious society;实现教育公平,夯实和谐社会的坚实基础
7.It will lay a solid foundation for future triple play service delivery.它将为未来的三网合一过渡打下坚实基础
8.Promoting System Innovation,Constructing Solid Foundation of Executive Power in an Enterprise;推进制度创新 构筑企业执行力的坚实基础
9.Building up Socialist View of Honor and Disgrace to Lay a Solid Foundation for College Students;树立社会主义荣辱观奠定人生的坚实基础
10.Fair Educatio--A Fundamental Factor for the Construction of Harmonious Society;关注教育公平为构建和谐社会打下坚实基础
11.On the Solid Foundation of the Consolidation and Development of the multicatial Nation of China;中华多民族国家巩固与发展的坚实基础
12.Lacking a firm support or basis;unsubstantial.无基础的缺乏坚实的支撑或基础的;不充实的
13.The Party s Vitality:Solid Class Foundation and Mass Basis;党的生命力:坚实的阶级基础和群众基础
14.a skyscraper built on a base of solid rock.在坚实岩石基础上的摩天高楼。
15.I have to say, Mr. Feng, that you gave me a solid foundation.我要说,冯先生,是你给了我坚实的基础。
16.you have a magnificent foundation in theory你们有坚实广博的理论基础
17.Basic strength or toughness; fortitude"基础力量或坚强,坚固"
18.This change could not have taken place without a solid industrial foundation .没有坚实的工业基础发生这种变化是不可能的。

A foundation;bedrock.坚固的基础;基本事实
3)build on a solid foundation建在坚实的基础上
4)unyielding foundation坚实的地基
5)the realistic foundation现实基础
1.This text mainly discusses the realistic foundation and theoretical foundation on biodiversity protection.对生物多样性保护的现实基础和理论基础进行论述。
2.Government should put forth effort on the government working talent of creating the regulatory condition for the peasant, providing the realistic foundation, support of funds, market condition, science and technology guarantees and the organizat.在农业结构调整过程中,政府不应越位参与和指挥,而应将政府职能的着力点放在提供农民进行结构调整的现实基础、资金支持、市场条件、科技保障和组织依托上。
6)basic experiment基础实验
1.First, students should do basic experiments, then do special experiments.化学实验课教学有其自身的逻辑系统,要按照先基础后专业、先分散后综合的教学方法进行,即先进行基础实验课教学,再进行专业实验课教学。
2.It is one of tile most systematical exemplifications on basic experimental procedures for optical remote sensing.校正场实验是光学遥感基础实验过程较为系统和完整的范例之一。
3.The article puts forward several mistaken ideas that arose in the course of technological basic experiment of electron.提出了电子技术基础实验过程中出现的一些误区,分析了实验中的一些实际问题。
