悲观势,pessimistic potential
1)pessimistic potential悲观势
1.Optimism and pessimism are two dimensions of the generalized outcome expectancies.采用问卷法,考察了334名大学生的乐观、悲观两种一般结果期待倾向与其抑郁感受的关系,以及压力水平和性别的可能调节作用。
2.The source of sadness and bitterness in literature was not the social reality and the life, but the mixed characters of the ancient literators strong pessimism and distinct female introversion.悲怨文学的根源不是苦难的社会现实和人生,而是由中国古代文人带强烈悲观色彩的性格和明显的女性内倾性格特色相结合而共同决定的。
3.Self-contrived measuring scale was used to study their anxiety,pessimism,depression and loneliness.方法:从2004年3月至2006年7月来本生殖中心接受助孕技术的不孕症患者中随机抽取114例不孕症患者,采用自行设计的量表对他们进行焦虑、悲观、忧郁、孤独情况调查。

1.a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.沉闷的、悲观的悲伤情绪。
2.Take a pessimistic view of...对。。。抱悲观见解
3.A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.悲观者一个悲观者,尤指对商业情势
4.This is too pessimistic a view.这一观点太悲观了。
5.Leo always looks at things through Blue glasses.利奥总是悲观地看事物
6.He is pessimistic about the future.他对未来感到悲观
7.Your pessimism is unjustified.你的悲观是没有根据的。
8.Don't be pessimistic and discouraged when you meet with difficulties.遇到困难不要悲观气馁。
9.He felt blue about the prospects他对前景感到很悲观
10.a gloomy outlook, prospect, etc悲观的看法、 前景等
11.I have to say i be rather pessimistic .我得说我相当悲观
12.the pervasive mood of pessimism普遍存在的悲观情绪.
13."You shouldn't be so pessimistic, Cousin Mei.“梅姐,你这样悲观,真不该。
14.the pessimist will find fault with it.悲观者也会挑剔它。
15.without being unduly pessimistic, suspicious, etc并不过于悲观、 猜疑等
16.In fact, the outlook couldn't be blacker!"大局是真正可以悲观
17.There is no reason to be pessimistic about the future.没有理由对未来悲观
18.take a pessimistic view of life对人生持悲观的看法

1.Optimism and pessimism are two dimensions of the generalized outcome expectancies.采用问卷法,考察了334名大学生的乐观、悲观两种一般结果期待倾向与其抑郁感受的关系,以及压力水平和性别的可能调节作用。
2.The source of sadness and bitterness in literature was not the social reality and the life, but the mixed characters of the ancient literators strong pessimism and distinct female introversion.悲怨文学的根源不是苦难的社会现实和人生,而是由中国古代文人带强烈悲观色彩的性格和明显的女性内倾性格特色相结合而共同决定的。
3.Self-contrived measuring scale was used to study their anxiety,pessimism,depression and loneliness.方法:从2004年3月至2006年7月来本生殖中心接受助孕技术的不孕症患者中随机抽取114例不孕症患者,采用自行设计的量表对他们进行焦虑、悲观、忧郁、孤独情况调查。
1.In this view, man s weak will and uncontrollable destiny form her pessimistic outlook on life.相应地 ,人的意志力量的脆弱、命运的深不可测构成了张爱玲悲观的人生观。
2.The author analyses the Humboldt Idea and modern graduate education pessimistically from five different dimensions.笔者从一个悲观的视角,从五个方面分析了在现代研究生教育中,洪堡理念本质的不适应性。
4)tragic flavor悲剧态势
1.The tragic flavor and its formation in Romance of the Three Kingdoms;《三国演义》的悲剧态势及其形成
5)Pessimistic Attributional Style悲观归因
6)the most optimistic method最悲观法
