损失核定,loss check and ratification
1)loss check and ratification损失核定

1.The Application of Market Comparison Method to the Fire Loss Evaluation of German Dehui International Square市场比较法在德汇国际广场火灾损失核定中的应用
2.compromised total loss经商定后的全部损失
3.lay the damage at$1,000确定损失为1,000美元
4.stipulated loss value约定损失价值,保险价值
5.Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets固定资产处理净损失
6.fixed assets losses in suspense待处理固定资产损失
7.First Exploration of the Loss Accounting for the Commerce Retails Enterpriese s Discounted Goods;商业零售企业削价商品损失核算初探
8.Learning from the Western Methods and Improving Accounting of Loss of Waste Products in China;借鉴西方做法 改进我国废品损失核算
9.The Grain Bin Accounting Methods Of Fire Loss In The Grain Depot;浅谈粮库席穴囤火灾损失的核算方法
10.An Understanding of Accounting Difference in the Loss by Bad Accounts Between the New Accounting System and the Old One;浅论新旧会计制度坏账损失核算差异
11.Energy Loss of Quark in Nuclear Drell-Yan Process核Drell-Yan过程中夸克的能量损失
12.When a particular customer's accounts is determined to be uncollectible, it is written off directly to Uncollectible Accounts Expense, as follows...当某一客户的账款被确定无法收回,该账款被直接核销,记入坏账损失账户,如下…
13.He resolved to make up for his loss of formal education and try his hand at writing.他决定补上失学的损失,从事写作。
14.making errors that cause damage in violation of certain provisions of these Regulations;违反本条例规定,工作失误,造成损失的;
15.Quantitative Evaluation of Voltage Sag and Load-Loss Cost Allocation;电压凹陷的定量评价与失电损失分摊
16."loss of or damage to insured property directly or indirectly caused or expenses incurred by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear weapon, nuclear material, nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination;"核裂变、核聚变、核武器、核材料、核幅射以及放射性污染引起的任何损失和费用;
17.A past-due receivable is a candidate for write-off as a credit loss.一笔逾期的应收款可能被作为信用损失核销。
18.The energy results from a loss in mass of the nuclide during its transformation.这种能量来源于核素在蜕变时质量的损失。

On the Verification of Fire Losses论火灾损失的核定
3)loss accounting损失核算
1.There are advantages and disadvantages of the method about loss accounting of discounted goods.当前常用的削价商品损失核算方法有利有弊 ,账务处理应在削价当期进行 ,并且应有具体的账务处理原则、具体损失金额的计算办法及已抵扣的进项增值税的处理方法。
4)loss appraisal损失鉴定
1.With the development of society and economy, the loss appraisal of forest resources is outspreading well.随着社会的进步和经济的发展,森林资源损失鉴定工作逐步有序开展,但在实际工作中还存在技术方法、经济技术指标建立和鉴定单位资质认证等诸多问题,结合工作实践中几个典型案例,从贴合实际的角度,提出了森林资源损失鉴定工作在管理和技术上进一步完善的建议。
5)constant losses恒定损失
6)fixed loss固定损失

产权核定产权核定 I产权核定]产权复审后应进行的工作。由于产业、产权情况各异,申请人所能提供的契证等证件也因种种历史原因不一定十分齐全,复审的意见也往往是从错综复杂的情况下分析归纳提出的。对此问题负责核定的领导人员应从业务政策上衡量审批。如认为情况不明处应退回补充。而经过初审、复审,初步确认房屋产权和经过公告无异议的案件,将决定是否批准确认房屋产权,是否准予发放房屋产权证。产权核定在一般情况下,是根据复审的意见决定的。案情由承办人员负责审核,只是对案情复杂、政策不易掌握、影响较大的案件,要进行全面细致的审核,正确地适用政策、法律和行政法规。对送审的案件做决定性意见,依法定案,业务政策要由负责核定的领导和部门负责人负责。经产权核定批准确认房屋产权,准予发给房屋产权证的,应在“审批”栏内签注批示意见。