长效安全机制,Long-term security mechanism
1)Long-term security mechanism长效安全机制
2)Security persistent effect mechanism安全长效机制

1.Investigation of the Measures of Establishing Long Safety Mechanism for Grain;关于建立粮食安全长效机制的对策研究
2.Build up long-term safety production mechanism to safeguard fishery economy development;建立安全生产长效机制实现渔业经济安全发展
3.Fulfilling Duty of Safety Supervision Department and Establishing Long-term Effective Mechanism of Safety Management履行安全监督部门职责,建立安全管理长效机制
4.Construction of long-term mechanism for dangerous chemical safety论危险化学品安全生产长效机制构建
5.The Researcher about the Construction of Long-Term Mechanism on Management of Safe Fisheries Operation of China;我国渔业安全生产管理长效机制建设问题研究
6.Study on Administration System of Networks at Safety & Production Long-effect Mechanism;安全生产长效机制的网络管理系统研究
7.Discussion on the enduring effect mechanism for quality safety of the farm produce;农产品质量安全管理长效机制的探讨研究
9.Implement Community Policing Strategy Thoroughly Set up Long-run Public Security Management Mechanism;全面实施社区警务战略 建立治安管理长效机制
10.Long-term mechanism built for safe drinking water providing in rural areas of Qianjiang City潜江市农村饮水安全建管长效机制的探索
11.Applying Informatization to Promoting Permanent Mechanism of Mine Safety Production以信息化促进煤矿安全生产长效机制建设
12.A Study on Ecological Security and Ecological Compensational Long-lasting Mechanism of Qiemo Oasis且末绿洲生态安全及其生态补偿长效机制研究
13.On the Establishment of Long-term Mechanisms of Coal Mine Safety关于建立煤矿安全生产长效机制的思考
14.Long-term management mechanism of rural drinking water safety project农村饮用水安全工程长效管理机制探索
15.Long-term Effective Mechanism of Water Resources Management for Safety of Drinking Water in Yanbian Rural Area延边农村饮水安全的水资源长效管理机制
16.Discussion on the Application of Long-term Operational Mechanism in Marine Transportation Management & Safety Supervision水上安全监督管理长效运行机制的探讨
17.Dounan Points Ore Mine Safety Production Long-effect Mechanism斗南分矿矿山安全生产长效机制的建立
18.Study on Countermeasures of Establishing Long-term Construction Safety Production Mechanism in China我国建筑业安全生产长效机制构建对策研究

Security persistent effect mechanism安全长效机制
3)safety administration of long effective mechanism安全监管长效机制
4)safety &production long-effect mechanism安全生产长效机制
1.In order to carry out safety &production long-effect mechanism, and discover if the personnel is consistent with it s certificate and if it is scanty, and analyse status of each district, also share informations of special employees and administrators, then promulgate betimes stat.为了落实煤矿安全生产长效机制,及时分析各行政区域的状况,掌握管理人员和特种作业人员活动信息,做到及时发布培训和复训指令,我们借助互联网和ASP编程建立了Access数据库网络管理系统。
5)secure enduring effect安全长效
6)failure safety mechanism失效安全机制
1.By using the failure safety mechanism of FF to make it can providing minimal functions as FF appears unavoidable.利用FF的失效安全机制 ,使FF在出现不可避免的错误时仍然能够提供最低限度功能 ,从而实现了更深层次的容

长效异乐定,长效安心脉药物名称:长效异乐定英文名:Elantan Long别名: 长效异乐定,长效安心脉 适应症: 用于冠心病长期治疗,预防心绞痛、心肌梗塞伴有持久性心绞痛症状的后期治疗,与洋地黄或利尿剂合用治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭。 用量用法: 口服:每(次.日)50~100mg,饭后服。临床证明,50mg清晨1次服用为最合理剂量,个别患者可服用100mg,严重患者可与钙拮抗剂及(或)-β受体阻滞剂等合用。 注意事项: 可有恶心、呕吐、面色潮红、头痛、头晕、血压下降、体位性低血压、心率加快等。在治疗期间饮酒,可强化副反应。急性循环衰竭(中风循环性虚脱、严重低血压、伴有低血压的急性心力衰竭患者),妊娠初3个月等忌用。本品不适用于急性心绞痛发作及儿童服用。 规格: 胶囊剂:含异山梨醇-5-硝酸盐50mg,此成分由特殊处方制成白色微粒状。划线片剂:50mg 类别:防治心绞痛药