人群聚集,crowd mass
1)crowd mass人群聚集
1.Crowd mass theory was adopted to analyse the crowd mass process in Miyun trample disaster.采用群集流动理论对密云事故中的人群聚集过程进行了分析,并采用BuildingEX-ODUS疏散软件研究了相向流对群集系数的影响,通过分析得出了达到不同聚集程度需要的时间。

1.The crowd gathered outside the gate of the British Mission .人群聚集在英国外交机构的大门外。
2.Crowds massed along the road where the queen would pass.人群聚集的皇后要经过的路上。
3.Crowds of people gathered to do homage to the Mayor when he visited there.当市长到那访问时,人群聚集向他致敬。
4.The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the President.人群聚集在城内广场上听总统讲话。
5.The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the mayor speak.人群聚集到市镇广场上来听市长讲话。
6.a crowd gathered about the entrance一群人聚集在入口处。
7.A crowd gathered at the scene of the accident.出事地点聚集了一群人。
8.The square was clustered with people.广场上聚集着成群的人。
9.A large group of people gathered or crowded closely together; a multitude.群众聚集或紧拥在一起的一大群人
10.A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals群集,聚集密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物
11.Empirical Research on Talent Agglomeration and Talent Attraction Force of Industrial Cluster;产业集群人才集聚与人才引力实证研究
12.He soon gathered crowd around him他很快就在周围聚集了一群人。
13.A crowd of people gathered spontaneously at the scene of the accident.例:一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。
14.where a large crowd had already gathered.已经聚集一大群人的主阅览室。
15.The crowd reassembled in front of the state house.人群在州议会前又聚集起来了
16.The crowd assembled in front of the police station.一群人聚集在警察分局的前面。
17.The shepherd re-collect his flock.牧人重新聚集起他的羊群。
18.The crowds congregated in the square to hear the president speak.成群的人聚集在广场上听总统演讲。

dense region of crowd人群聚集点
1.A technique for catching a dense region of crowd based on crowed density estimation of the local region and region seg- mentation is studied.以局部区域为分析对象,结合人群密度估计和区域分割技术,实现了一种捕捉人群聚集点的方法。
3)crowd massing situation人群聚集状态
1.Study on relation between consequence of explosive terrorism attacks and crowd massing situation;爆炸性恐怖袭击后果与人群聚集状态的关系研究
4)crowd gathering risk人群聚集风险
1.In the end,it puts forward an approach by setting up a threshold to cope with the risk assessment of crowd gathering risk management in the public venues when there is a dense covering.针对目前人群密度估计和人群统计方法的不足,提出基于马尔可夫随机场的人群密度监测技术,将这一方法归纳为两个主要步骤,并详细阐述了其计算原理;讨论存在严重遮挡情况下,通过给定域值,如何将其实际应用于公共场所人群聚集风险管理中的方法。
5)crowd incidents人群聚集事故
6)The crowd is gathering.人群正在聚集。

聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)n聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)是指由于某工业部 n门向某特定地域集中新产生的供生产成本降低的效果。因为分工协作,扩大生 产规模,节约使用基础设施等会降低生产成本。 n