现代安全理念,modern safety conception
1)modern safety conception现代安全理念
1.Use the example of coordinating light oil pump house and fire system transformation to discuss the design problem of oil house transformation with modern safety conception.以轻油泵房的配套及消防系统改造为例 ,探讨在现代安全理念下 ,油库改造中的设计问

1.On Development Trend of Oil House Transformation with Modern Safety Conception;用现代安全理念探讨油库改造的发展方向
2.The Study of Teaching System for the Training of Safety Education from the Perspective of modernistic Teaching现代培训理念下的安全培训教学体系研究
3.A Modern Safety Management Method --Safety Management Information System;一种现代化的安全管理方法——安全管理信息系统
4.The evolution of food safety concept and mode based on our contemporary food safety risk;基于我国当代食品安全风险下的食品安全理念与模式的进化
5.Investigation on Mining Safety in Production and Management of Modern Mine;现代化煤矿安全生产与安全管理的探讨
6.U.S.evolving dam safety management model演进的美国现代化水坝安全管理模式
7.Research and Realization of Database Security Proxy Based on Security Socket Layer;基于SSL的数据库安全代理研究与实现
8.The Research and Implementation of Secure Delegation Based on CORBA;基于CORBA的安全代理研究及实现
9.Modern Logistics of the Innovative Enterprise Security Management Strategy;论现代物流企业安全的创新管理策略
10.Construction of the New Type Safety Management System for Modern Mineral Enterprises;现代矿业企业新型安全管理系统构建
12.Modernization Principles of Migrants Farmers Arrangement from Large Projects in China;我国工程移民安置背后的现代性理念思考
13.Study on Application of Modern Safety Prevention Technology in Oil Depot Safety Management现代安防技术在油库安全管理中的应用
14.Strenghthening Scientific Managrment and Fulfilling Scientific Modernization on Public Security加强公安科技管理 全面推进公安科技现代化
15.Postponement Manufacturing is a kind of all new principle in modern manufacture.延迟制造技术是现代制造业的一种全新理念。
16.Post-modernism and the Educational Idea under the Background of Globalization;后现代主义与全球化背景下的教育理念
17.The Sense of Modern Education and the Training of Overall-developed Talent;现代大学教育理念与全面发展人才的培养
18.The discussion for the conception of security and works safety;关于安全与生产安全概念的法理探讨

modern safety management现代安全管理
1.Based on the analysis of international coal mine safety management system and the problems exiting in Chinese coal mines at present,and by combining the developing trend of modern safety management,an thread for the establishment of coal mine intrinsic safety on the basis of risk pre-control is proposed.针对我国煤矿现阶段在安全管理方面存在的问题,在分析国际煤矿安全管理经验的基础上,结合现代安全管理的发展方向,提出了建立以风险预控管理为基础的煤矿本质安全化管理的思路,即通过危险源辨识及风险评估分析,建立针对管理层的管理标准、管理流程和操作层的安全工作程序及工作标准的管理体系,建立系统化、结构化和规范化的自我管理机制,并针对重大危险源,从技术和管理两方面制定方案。
2.The paper compared the traditional and modern safety management means discussed modern safety management intension and its principle,proved the import of the modern safety management means under the market economy circumstances.通过传统、现代两种安全管理之比较 ,阐述了现代安全管理的内涵和现代安全管理的原理的阐述 ,论证了在市场经济条件下 ,强化企业现代安全管理的重要性和方法。
3.In this paper,occupational health safety management system and modern safety management performance are combined to establish an evaluation index system of modern safety management performance in coal mine.通过将职业健康安全管理体系与煤矿现代安全管理绩效相结合,构建了煤矿现代安全管理绩效评价的指标体系。
3)safety concept安全理念
1.Etiologies of accident and safety concepts;事故致因理论与安全理念
4)modern concept现代理念
1.In order to suit the needs of knowledge economy in our times so as to blaze new trials on college management, modern concepts will have to be established, new trials put on college.只有树立现代理念 ,创新高校管理 ,坚持“以人为本” ,树立全面的质量观与效益观 ,切实转变传统的管理理念 ,才能适应知识经济的时代要求 ,实现高校管理创新。
5)new safety idea安全新理念
6)modern law idea现代法理念

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。