创伤急救,Trauma Emergency treatment
1)Trauma Emergency treatment创伤急救

1.First aid treatment of 1673 cases of trauma in emergency department急救部开展创伤急救手术1673例
2.Practice and Experiences of Regional Trauma Emergency Network区域性创伤急救网在严重创伤伤员救治中的作用
3.Discussion on the application of nursing procedures in emergent aid to trauma victims before admission浅谈护理程序在院前创伤急救中的应用
4.Application of wireless trunk communication system to rescue severe trauma无线集群通信系统在创伤急救中的应用
5.Utilization of virtual reality technique and full-scale human analogue in trauma first aid training虚拟现实技术与实尺模拟人在创伤急救训练中的应用
6.Hemostatic effects of aerosol dressing for blood oozing wounds of swine limbs at first aid伤口急救保护剂对猪肢体创伤创面的止血研究
7.Development of a New Handheld Trauma Scoring-care System;新型手持式创伤评分—急救系统的研制
8.First-aid before admission to hospital and transportation strategy for multiple injury in children儿童多发性创伤院前急救与转运策略
9.Treatment experience of the emergent thoracotomy operation in 10 cases心脏创伤行急诊开胸术10例救治体会
10.First aid and nursing cooperation of heavy traumatic hematopneumothorax重型创伤性血气胸的急救与护理配合
11.Anesthetic and Emergency Treatment of the Severe-injured Patients严重创伤患者36例麻醉和急救处理
12.Nursing care of multiple trauma patients accepting pre-hospital and inside hospital first aid多发性创伤病人院前院内急救的护理
13.Study on first aid nursing of traumatic shock in land and with sea water immersion陆地与海水浸泡创伤性休克的急救护理
14.Research of the serious trauma patients with chain step method resuscitation链式流程急救复苏非手术严重创伤患者的研究
15.The discussion of the speed of fluid replacement in nursing of first aid in patient with traumatic shock创伤性休克患者急救护理补液速度的探讨
16.First-aid thinking and management principles for multiple injury in children儿童多发性创伤的急救思维和处理原则
17.Emergency Treatment and Anesthesia for Serious oral and Maxillofacial Trauma严重口腔颌面部创伤的急救与麻醉处理
18.Strategies for Improving the Timeliness of Emergency Nursing for Severe Traumatic Patients提高严重创伤患者急救护理时效的临床研究

first aid injury急救创伤
3)traumatic and first aid medicine创伤急救医学
4)trauma emergency center创伤急救中心
1.The author summarized the work in building trauma emergency center.本文总结了建立创伤急救中心的做法:一是加强组织领导,建立科学合理的组织机构;二是完善规章制度,建立创伤急救快速绿色通道;三是强化技术培训,提高救治能力;四是合理投入,改善创伤救治条件;五是加强对外联络,建立军警联动机制。
5)traumatic thorax first-aid box胸部创伤急救盒
6)Cooperative Type of Trauma Care互助型创伤急救模式
