安全防范工程,security and defense engineering
1)security and defense engineering安全防范工程
1.In order to improve students practicing ability and standardize the teaching schedule, the article focuses on the significance and characteristics of security and defense engineering drawing laboratory.从专业的培养目标以及课程设置入手,分析了安全防范工程制图实训室建设的意义和特点,同时提出了安全防范工程制图实训室的一整套建设方案,阐述了系统的设计思想和具体实现。

1.Security and alarm engineering specification for banking business placeGB/T16676-1996银行营业场所安全防范工程设计规范
2.Designed criterion of security and alarm engineering for cultural museums seriesGB/T16571-1996文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范
3.Rudimentary Discussions on the Safety Duty Risk and Countermeasures in Supervision of Construction Engineering;工程建设监理的安全责任风险与防范初探
4.Characteristic of Safe Production and Countermeasure of Risk Prevention in Municipal Engineering市政工程安全生产特点及风险防范对策
5.¤ the projects of "safe community" and "science-and-technology based security" will be continued. Specifically, we will continue enhancing the public security structures on the grass roots and building a complete anti-criminal network among the citizens.继续实施"安全社区"建设和"科技创安"工程,加强基层治安防范组织,建立健全群防群治网络;
6.How to Reduce Safety Duty Risks in Construction Supervision Activity;如何降低及防范工程建设监理活动中的安全责任风险
7.Ajax Application Security Risk Analysis and PreventionAjax应用程序的安全隐患分析与防范
8.Within the scope of protection of flood control works, exploding, drilling wells, quarrying stones, collecting earth or other operations endangering the safety of flood control works are prohibited.在防洪工程设施保护范围内,禁止进行爆破、井、石、土等危害防洪工程设施安全的活动。
9.How to do well in network safety and prevention system;论如何做好网络安全与防范体系工作
10.On safety prevention measures and management of construction machinery and equipments浅谈施工机械设备的安全防范与管理
11.Code for safety of power sup-ply and consumption in engineering construction site建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范
12.On the fire prevention safety control about the construction site of architecture project;试论建筑工程施工现场消防安全管理
13.Code for design of working security and sanitation railway铁路工程劳动安全卫生设计规范
14.On Intelligent Safety Precaution System Design toward Important Long-Distance Manufacture Place;远程重要生产场所智能安全防范系统的设计
15.Security and Forecasting System of E-Learning Web Based on Web Traffic基于流量检测的远程教育网站的安全防范系统
16.Accident Reasons and Preventive Countermeasures During Oil Product Storage and Transportation油品储运过程中安全事故产生原因及防范对策
17.On Several Economic Risks against which Strict Precautions Should Be Taken in the Efforts of Foreign Investment Recruitment in Yunnan Province;我省外资引进工作应防范的几个经济安全风险
18.Think Figuratively About the Safety and Prevention Work in Community in the New Situations;形象化思考当前新形势下的社区安全防范工作

Engineering of Security & Protection System安全防范系统工程
3)security defense安全防范
1.The paper gives an overview of I--buiding security systems in such aspects as its usage, structure,work prin-ciples, functions and future development.智能建筑安全防范系统是智能建筑的核心系统之一,它能保障人们在生产、生活和一切社会活动中不受侵害。
2.How to ensure security of person and instrument in training is special importance.电子产品维修技能训练是应用电子技术教育专业重要的实践教学环节,如何在长时间技能训练中做好人机安全防范,是确保实践教学环节顺利进行的一个重要内容。
3.With the rapid development of networks, communications and multimedia technology, digital networking and intelligent security system has become an important research topic.安全防范系统在政治、军事、文化、生产和生活设施的安全保卫中一直起着举足轻重的作用。
5)security protection安全防范
1.The building visual conversational system plays an important role in the security protection of residential community.楼宇可视对讲系统在住宅小区的安全防范中具有十分重要的作用。
6)safety protection安全防范
1.Through analyzing safety protection system and fire alarm-control system of intelligent building, it establishes applicable design plan for business building and analyzes action of each system.通过对智能楼宇系统中安全防范系统、火灾报警控制系统的分析,具体地制定出了作为某商务楼较为适用的一套智能楼宇设计方案,并分析了各系统部分在楼宇建筑中起到的作用。
2.This article probes into safety protection design of intelligent residence, and gives a brief introduction to the designs of such systems as circumjacent alarm, CCTV monitoring, electronic night watch, visitor telephone, resident anti-theft, safety alarm, etc.文章就智能化小区的安全防范设计进行探讨,简要介绍了周界报警、闭路电视监控、电子巡更、访客对讲、住户防盗与安全报警等系统的设计。
3.Based on the analysis of system safety and data safety,along with the fact of Fujian Normal University multi-schooldistrict library,the article analyses the implementation of the network safety protection system.文章在分析系统安全与数据安全基本要素基础上,结合福建师范大学多校区图书馆网络的实际,分析网络安全防范体系的实施过程。

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