治安保卫,security and safe-guarding
1)security and safe-guarding治安保卫

1.Interpretation of Legislation Gist of Regulations Regarding the Public Security of Enterprise and Institution;市场经济条件下单位内部治安保卫的新构想——评《企业事业单位内部治安保卫条例》
2.The Explaination analysis and application to "The internal public order and protection of enterprises, business units regulation";《企业事业单位内部治安保卫条例》解析与运用
3.The Current Situations and the Public Order Security Work inside the Unites;当前形势与单位内部治安保卫工作改革
4.The First Probe into the Function and Application of Police Dog Technology in Railway Public Security;试论警犬技术在铁路治安保卫中的作用及其应用
5.In the period of Ming and Qing, the esquire was bearing an important function on local public good, public security, education and civil mediating.明清时期 ,士绅在地方公益、治安保卫、教育教化、民事调解等方面承担着重要职能。
6.In the current great struggle to suppress counter-revolutionaries public security committees must be organized among the masses everywhere.全国各地,必须在此次镇压反革命的伟大斗争中普遍地组织群众的治安保卫委员会。
7.Ideological and Political Education about Defense Work of Colleges and Universities;高校安全保卫工作中的思想政治教育
8.On granting the power of keeping the public order to the security organizations in colleges and universities;关于授予高校保卫组织治安管理权的探讨
9.To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm.保卫使安全或保持安全,没危险,不受攻击或伤害
10."But David took the strong place of Zion, which is the town of David."然而大卫攻取锡安的保障,就是大卫的城。
11.Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.7然而大卫攻取锡安的保障,就是大卫的城。
12.Keep quiet and pay attention to cleanliness.保持室内安静,注意清洁卫生。
13.the head of security was a former policeman.安全保卫机构的头目以前是一位警察。
14.Ensuring the public security during the Olympic Games ?做好奥运会期间的各项安全保卫工作。
15.The right to labour safety and health protection,获得劳动安全卫生保护的权利、
16."Railway Occupational Safety, Health & Environmental Protection"铁道劳动安全卫生与环保
17.inspecting the items of safety, hygiene, environmental safety, etc.安全、卫生、环境保护等项目检验:
18."Labor protection, occupational safety and sanitation"劳动保护和职业安全与卫生

3)public security安全保卫
1.This paper introduces the computer aided public security management system developed by dalian Maritime University.介绍了我校自行开发的安全保卫计算机管理系统。
4)security work安全保卫
1.Study on the Security Work of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo;2010年上海世博会安全保卫探讨
2.Therefore,the security work in college should be transformed in to the new concept under the new situation.因此,新形势下的高校安全保卫工作应转变观念,结合高校在校生的特点,构建“以人为本”的和谐、有序的安全保卫工作新机制。
1.Study on Prevention and Disposal of Field Spectator Violence in the Perspective of Security;安全保卫视野下我国球场观众暴力的防范与处置
2.Analysis of Security Work for Building a Harmonious Campus试析和谐校园建设中的高校安全保卫工作
3.At present,the college security work encounters some new situations and new problems as well as some new opportunities and challenges.当前的高校安全保卫工作遇到了一些新情况、新问题,也面临着新的机遇和挑战。
6)Defending Yan an《保卫延安》
1.Aesthetic character of war novels of epic kind from 1949 to 1966: taking the war novel Defending Yan an as an example;17年时期英雄史诗型战争小说审美特征论——以《保卫延安》型战争小说为例
